Part 7

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It was the morning after the fingerbang, and I stood in the shower completely still.

Thoughts of George cluttered my brain, making me smile and hum cheerfully as I reached for the shampoo bottle. I squirted a sizable amount into my palm and ran it through my scalp, breathing the floral scent into my lungs. George would like this smell.

Everything I did made me think of George. Whenever I brushed my hair I imagined him brushing his. When I'd listen to music I'd think about what songs he would be listening to. Even the most mundane tasks like taking out the trash or preparing lunch made me think about him. As much as I hated to admit it, I really had begun to fall for him hard.

I let the warm water run down my face and body, allowing the steamy heat to ease my sore muscles. I still ached everywhere from all of the new sensations.

When I finished my shower I snatched the two towels that hung off of the door, wrapping one around my damp skin and the other on my head.

I strolled over to my bedroom and plopped onto the bed, laying there for a while to enjoy the lazy Sunday. For being such an intense week, this morning so far had been a much needed breather. It had been so long since I spent time doing nothing, letting my mind process everything that's happened.

I lay comfortably in my bed still in just my towel, soaking in the sound of silence. I nearly doze off until I hear the faint screech of the sliding patio door downstairs. Being the nosey creep that I am, I had to go investigate.

From my bedroom window I could see our backyard perfectly, and I noticed my mum placing a silver tray on the table that held a teapot and two teacups.

Who is the second cup for?

I wonder as I squint to try and get a better look. Dad was working so it couldn't have been for him, and I was still upstairs so it couldn't have been for me. I figured she must be having a girlfriend over, something she does now and then when she has a rare day off. I continue to spy as I use the towel on my head to wring out my damp hair.

Shortly after my mum comes out I see a woman follow close behind and sit in the chair across from her. I have to do a double take to ensure my eyes aren't deceiving me.



My mum was hanging out with Olivia Harrison, in my own backyard. I watched them closely and could see that they were giggling about something, acting like the best of friends. I had no idea that she and my mum even talked to each other, and I especially had no idea that they were friendly enough to drink tea together on a Sunday morning.

Fear begins to spread like wildfire in my mind as I imagine Olivia telling my mom about what she saw the other day. What if that's what they were talking about? What if Olivia had caught on to George and I? And if my mother found out about all of this...

Oh god.

I decide I've had enough torture. I turn around and take a deep breath, shuddering as a wave of anxiety hits me like a train. Before another dark thought could enter my mind I rush back to bed to enclose myself into the safety of my sheets. I prayed to God that my secrets would remain mine before popping my headphones on and letting the music drown me to sleep.


A loud knock startles me awake, jolting me out of my sweet slumber and back into my cruel reality. I remove my headphones and set them on my nightstand, then reach for my water to take a sip.

"Sadie!" My mother yells, banging on the door even louder when I don't answer right away.

Before I can speak she barges in, flashing me a look of disappointment I know all too well.

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