Part 30

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"Ouch!" John flinched as I patted his hand with a warm cloth.

"I'm almost done, I promise."

I dressed his wounded knuckles as delicately as I possibly could, though you'd think I was torturing him by the sounds coming out of his mouth. It was actually kind of cute how dramatic he was being.

"Alright, that should do it. Just don't punch anyone else." I joked, making John crack the first smile I'd seen from him in hours.

"Thank ye." He uttered meekly as he retracted his hand from my grip.

"Sorry I lost me temper back there." He apologized. "I should be taking care of ye, not the other way around. How are ye feeling?"

"I'm...I'm alright. Just happy to be away from all those reporters."

John smiled and brushed my cheek with his good hand, then looked down to my stomach. After a minute or so of staring at my not-yet-showing belly, John's eyes were drawn to the ultrasound that laid on the table beside us.

"John, we need to talk." I said, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"I think it's best if I go home tonight."

"What? Why?"

"John, you know why! You were there. You saw all those photographers and journalists! I have to go home and tell George what's going on before he reads it in the papers."

John shook his head as if he was disappointed in me.

"Sadie why don't ye just call him? Ye shouldn't be travelling in yer condition!"

"My condition?" I rolled my eyes. "John, I've got to go home at some point. Do you just expect me to stay here with you my entire pregnancy?" I laughed nervously.

John stared at me with a sour look on his face.

"You...didn't think I'd stay here, did you?"

"Well I was hoping you'd stay at least another week. Sadie with yer fainting episodes and morning sickness I don't think it'd be a good idea to travel." He explained. "Besides, the doc said ye needed yer rest."

"Okay so I'm just supposed to let George find out that I'm pregnant with his child by reading the newspaper?" I stood up and began to pace back and forth. My legs felt shaky and my head was starting to hurt.

"His child? Ye and I both know that this baby could be mine." he paused. All of the sudden the color drained from his face. It's as if the reality of the situation had just now hit him. "This could be my baby."

A long painful silence came over us, and I could only stare as John's emotions slowly got the best of him.

"John?" I asked, growing impatient as I waited for him to speak up again. I took my seat across from him once more and reached my hand out. With my fingers I brought his chin up, and for the first time in a while we made eye contact.

"This could be me baby! Our baby!" He repeated again, and a smile began to unfurl across his face. His eyes were glossed with what now seemed to be- tears of joy? My heart broke for him.

Before I could say anything he placed his hand on my stomach and began to rub the area tenderly.

His loving gesture shocked me, and I started to cry with him. My nerves felt like they were going to burst out of my body.

Looking into his tear-filled eyes, I could see that he really wanted this. He really wanted us.

John leaned forward and slipped out of his chair, falling to his knees. His face was now level to my stomach, and he pressed a soft kiss onto my bellybutton through the fabric of my shirt.

"Hi baby..." he whispered, his words trembling with emotion.

I closed my eyes and sucked in my bottom lip, trying my best to muffle the whimpers. I swore I could feel the seams of my heart popping one by one.

"Little one..." He spoke into my belly, wrapping his arms around me.

"If I'm yer daddy I promise I'm gonna give you and yer mummy the best life imaginable, alright? I lov-"

"John...please stop." I quietly begged, unable to watch him get so attached to a child that may not be his.

He wept a bit more as he held me tight. It was clear that he didn't want to let me-let us go. Eventually he did pull away.

Taking in a deep breath, he wiped the stray tears from his cheeks and looked me in the eyes. I half-smiled and he responded with a weak grin.

"Sadie, I want ye to know... I meant every word. If this baby is mine I'm gonna be here for ye both... I haven't always done the right thing, but I promise I will this time. I'm gonna be the father our baby deserves."

"I know, John. I know."

John leaned forward and took my face in his hands, then began brushing away my tears with his thumbs. He gently pulled my head in and planted his mouth on mine, kissing me deeply.

His lips were somehow comforting, and I suddenly stopped shaking.

"Whatever happens, it'll be alright." He assured, our foreheads still touching.

"Yer gonna be a great mum."


GUYS I know this was long-awaited, and I'm sorry if I let you down! I just had to release something lol. I'm working on the next part now, so hopefully I'll be able to get it out soon.


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