Part 25

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"What did you just say?" Olivia asked George. The heartbreak in her eyes killed me, and for the first time in a very long time I felt extremely guilty.

My vision was hazy as I caught a glimpse of my parents in my peripheral vision walking towards me.

"Liv, lets go in the other room and talk about this." He says to her in a calm tone, yet his voice was trembling wildly.

"No! Sadie is 'your girl' so I think it's only fair that she's here for our conversation. Don't you think?" She seethed.

I was visibly shaking, feeling the sweat seeping out of my pores as Olivia's pain became more and more evident in her face and her voice.

Everything in the room was spinning and my bones felt numb. I noticed a tug on my shoulder and turned around to see my mother shooting daggers at me.

"Sadie, what is this about?" My mum whispers to me.

"Mum, can we go home, please?" I ask breathily through my budding panic attack.

"Not until George explains himself!" My dad comes up behind mum with fire in his eyes.

I look to George, who looks to me, then looks to Olivia. This is a goddamn mess.

"Olivia, Mr. Brooks- all I meant was that I didn't want this boy over here taking advantage of Sadie. She's a good girl, I wanted to look out for her!" He defends himself. Meanwhile all of the guests are watching this madness unfold, including Nick- who excuses himself to the bathroom to escape.

The only color in my face is the redness on my cheeks from the embarrassment I'm feeling. I can't even think straight and everything around me cloudy.

"That's cute and all, but you clearly called Sadie your girl. What the fuck does that mean?" Olivia shouts.

George remains silent, unable to think of a valid excuse.

"If you're not going to tell me the truth perhaps I'll just ask Sadie." She turns to me with that same furious look she gave me the day George took my virginity.

"Do you know why George called you his girl? Is there something you're not telling me?" She fumes.

"N-n-no" I stutter, feeling dizzier by the second. My brain fails me. I have no idea what I'm doing and my vision becomes smoky. Soon everything around me fades to black and I feel absolutely nothing but agonizing darkness.


"Sadie! Sadie! Wake up baby- come on!" my mum is whispering under her breath as I slowly peel my eyes open.

My head pounds and it hits me in that moment that I must've fainted. I'm not at George's anymore, I'm in an ambulance hooked up to a blood pressure monitor and a few other machines that make annoying beeping noises.

"Oh thank God." My mother sighs in relief, clenching the fabric on the evening gown that covers her chest.

"Where's dad?" I mumble.

"He's going to meet us at the hospital. They want to check you out. You blacked out and hit your head on the corner of a table." She says to me, her eyes filled with sorrow.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask mum, unable to hide my shame and emotion.

She takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes with tears filling hers.

"Sadie, whatever you did or didn't do with George is none of my business. You're an adult now." She begins.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not going to tell you what I think."

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