Part 42

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June 1979

George and I sat across from one another at the dining room table in the early hours of the morning. While he picked away at his breakfast of fruit and toast, I milked a cup of tea that had already gone cold as I stared out of the window longingly.

"Hey love?" George spoke, snapping me out of my daze.


"How soon do you think we should get married?" George asked, taking me completely by surprise. I nearly spat out my tea giggling.

"Well given the fact that the ink has barely dried on your divorce papers, and that I'm going to have a baby any minute now- probably not for a while."

"Right." He matched my laughter.

"But what kind of wedding would you fancy? You know, when the time comes..."

"I think I'd like to elope."


"What?" I smirked. "Is that not what you want?"

"No that's fine. Whatever you want to do, I'll do it." He reached his hand across the table to give mine a squeeze.

"I mean it's not like you haven't done the whole wedding thing before..."

"Yes but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be special for you, Sadie. Surely you've had dreams of what your wedding day would look like, and I want to make sure I fulfill those desires for you."

"That's very sweet, George... I mean of course I dreamt of my wedding as a little girl, but none of that really matters to me anymore nowadays."

"Why not?" He seemed taken aback.

"Don't get me wrong it sounds lovely to get all dolled up and wear a pretty gown and stuff, but all I really want to do is commit myself to the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't care about throwing a big party or having lots of guests. I just want marry you, George."

A small smile danced across his lips as he popped another bite of strawberry into his mouth.

"You're amazing, you know that?"

"Aw" I moaned somewhat sarcastically.

"No really, most women want these huge, elaborate weddings and you're just... you. You're so humble, so perfect." He took his plate to the sink and gave it a quick rinse, then joined me back at the table.

"We're on the exact same page, Sadie. I don't want a big flashy wedding either. I just want to be your husband and start our lives together as a family with Dhani and Daisy." He smiled and reached for my hand once again.

"I want that too, Georgie. Oh God, that sounds so nice!"

"Then it's settled, we'll have a private ceremony with just us and the babies. We can do it here, right in the backyard."

"It'll be grand." I smiled, looking down at my belly.

"But no matter what happens, promise me we'll get a cake? I fucking love wedding cake."

I let out a hearty laugh and shook my head.

"You and your sweets, I swear!"

"Oh tell me you don't love wedding cake! Everybody loves wedding cake!"

"Depends on the flavor."

"Chocolate, of course."

"Ew, no!"

"What do you mean ew? Chocolate is the superior cake flavor, darling."

"Oh and what is carrot cake then?"

"Carrot cake? What are you 105 years old? No, we're getting chocolate and that's final. Isn't that right, Daisy girl?" George chuckled and patted my stomach, making me laugh out loud.

"No no Daisy, don't listen to daddy. Your mummy makes a delicious carrot cake that would put any chocolate cake to shame!" I spoke in my high-pitched mummy voice as I looked directly at George, who was still caught up in a fit of giggles.

"We'll both have our cakes and eat them too, how's that?" George grinned.



George and I lounged around the house for most of the morning just cuddling and watching television as we awaited our afternoon OBGYN appointment. Today the doctor was going to tell us whether or not I was close to going into labor, and I hoped and prayed that I was. There was nothing I wanted more than to meet my little Daisy. I desperately longed to hold her and smell her newborn skin, and to cuddle and love her forever.


We sat patiently in the waiting area until Dr. Phillips called us back. Hand in hand, we followed him over to the assigned room. George sat in one of the chairs, while I laid down on the bed.

"How are you feeling today, Ms. Brooks?" Dr. Phillips inquired warmly.

"Pretty well, a bit tired though." I chuckled.

"Well that's to be expected at 39 weeks. Any cramping or discomfort?"

"I've felt a little pressure in my pelvic area, but it's nothing unbearable."

"That's a good thing! It means that your body is gearing up for your little one's big debut! What you're feeling is your baby bearing down on your uterus, and those feelings are likely to intensify within the next week or two while your body prepares for birth."

"Oh lovely." I joked, making Dr. Phillips and George smile.

"Hopefully you've dilated some, and you won't have to wait too long to meet your baby. First let's check her heartbeat, shall we?"

I nodded and pulled up my shirt high enough so my belly was exposed. He applied a fair amount of gel onto my skin, then attached the doppler to it and began moving it around.

It didn't take long for the sound of her heartbeat to fill the room, and George and I both sighed in relief. Though we knew she was a healthy full-term baby, it always calmed our nerves significantly to hear the thunderous roar of her little heart.

"Perfect." Dr. Phillips said as he placed the scanner back onto it's metal tray. He handed me a towel to clean up, then instructed me to change into a gown so he could check my cervix.


"Alright so it appears that you're about one centimeter dilated, which doesn't mean much unfortunately. You could give birth anytime between now and your due date." The doctor spoke as he removed his gloves.

"So is there anything we can do to help speed up the labor process?" George asked as he held my hand in his.

"Well, there are a number of old wives tales you can take a crack at. Eat spicy foods, go for a long walk, have sexual intercourse, etc."

"SEXUAL INTERCOURSE?" George and I squawked in unison, making Dr. Phillips laugh.

"Yes, sexual intercourse can help start the labor process, and though you're technically on pelvic rest, you've not had any recent complications so I'd say you're free to do whatever you please."

I was nearly in tears at the thought of being able to make love to George again, as the waiting had been excruciating for the both of us.

I looked over at George and he couldn't hide the wide, enthusiastic grin on his face as he held onto my hand even tighter than before.

"Thank you Dr. Phillips." I breathed happily.

"Of course, Ms. Brooks." He grinned appreciatively.

"Have fun, you two." He winked.

"Hopefully next time I see you it'll be to deliver that baby girl!"

"Yes, hopefully!" I giggled.

George and I both smiled and watched as he left the room. As soon as he shut the door, I quickly got dressed and grabbed my things. In a mad dash, George and I ran to the car and eagerly drove back to the house.

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