Part 6

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"Are you serious?" I say as I slowly back away from George, staring down at my feet trying to process his words.

"Of course I'm serious Sadie!" He steps forward to cup my face with his hands, using his thumbs to rub away the tears on my cheeks.

"These last few months I've gotten to know you have been the best months of my life." He smiles, leaning his forehead against mine so they touch.

"I know I don't deserve your love, but I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. Please don't shut me out."

The faintest smile makes an appearance on my face as I bring my hands up to his cheeks.

"I love you too, George. I love you so much it hurts." The jagged scruff of his 5 o'clock shadow tickles my palms as I cup his face just like he's cupping mine, slowly bringing him in for a kiss.

An odd mix of emotions begins to brew inside of me as I melt like butter onto his lips. Every fiber of my being flashes red warning lights telling me that this is wrong in every way. I wondered what was happening to me. How could I let myself fall in love with a married man?

His tongue pokes at the entrance of my mouth, though I don't allow it access and I back away from our kiss completely.

"This is so wrong, George." I sobbed, turning my back from him to face the kitchen. I looked outside and focused on the sky. It was beautiful this time of morning. For a single second I felt peace.

"I know, I know." He responded quietly, creeping up behind me and placing his arm across my shoulder.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do." He said, leaning his head on me.

I didn't know what to do either. I felt so alive around George. The spark between us was electrifying, and whenever I'm with him my confidence blooms in a way it never has before. Still, the facts were the facts and he had a wife and son who didn't deserve any of this. Who was thinking of them? We sure as hell weren't.

"You stay with your family. That's what you have to do." I mutter in a nearly inaudible voice, using my hand to remove his arm from me. I walk over to the kitchen and get myself a glass of water to try and calm my nerves.

"It's so complicated, Sadie." He says, following close behind me.

"Complicated how? You love Olivia don't you?
You expect me to believe that you're going to throw the life you worked so hard to build away for the little teenybopper next door?"

A silence fell over the room and along with it came a thick tension you could cut with a knife.

"And your son. He's not even a year old yet, George." I continue. George's face is blank, and he appears to be taking in everything I'm saying.

"I hate how you talk about yourself." He mutters. I can barely hear him, so I move closer to where he is standing.

"What do you mean?" I raise a brow in confusion, and his eyes make contact with mine.

"You're always so hard on yourself, saying things like "I'm nothing" and "I'm just a teenybopper." When you know damn well you're fucking incredible."

I swallow a harsh lump in my throat. It's very  hard for me to take compliments, especially from a man like George.

"Do you really mean that?" I ask.

"Jesus Christ, Sadie! What's it going to take to make you believe that I'm head over me fucking heels for ye?" You're the most beautiful bird I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few birds in my time." He laughs flashing me a well-known look. It's the look he gives when he's ready to pounce.

Within seconds I'm up against the wall with my lips attached firmly to his, every curve of my body being explored by his hands. I hike my legs up around his waist, already feeling the unassailable hardness pushing against my budding heat.

He lifts me up and transports me to the kitchen counter, continuing his quest for pleasure as he slips the oversized t-shirt I'm wearing over my head. He wastes no time diving his face into my chest, worshiping each breast with his mouth and sucking on my erect nipples like lollies. His thick facial hair grazes across my skin and the friction makes me feel tingly deep within. The aching pain between my legs is still very real and raw, and I become fearful of being intimate again.

"George, I'm still sore from yesterday." I pant as his tongue attacks my chest.

"Right. Can you handle me fingers?" He asks breathily, not wanting to distract himself from tasting me.

"I uh...sure." As much pain as I'm in I do want to feel him somehow, I'm just as turned on as he is at this point. I grab ahold of his chin and lift him up to my lips, fusing us together into a passionate kiss.

During our kiss one of his fingers finds my entrance and he darts it into me swiftly. I wince at the pain and moan against his lips, responding to his gesture by wrapping my arms around his neck. He moves his mouth back behind my ear and gives me love bites that are sure to leave a mark as he enters another finger into me. The sweet smokyness on my lips left behind by his gives an invigorating flavor I can't get enough of.

My mouth hangs open as I moan into the air, letting the intoxicating mix of pain and pleasure radiate through my entire body. He enters a third finger into me, and my inner walls begin to contract around them.

"Oooh, Sadie baby. You're so turned on for me. You like it when I fuck you with me fingers, don't ya."

His husky voice is incredibly erotic and makes me weak in the knees. I can only nod, as it is too hard to respond to with words.

"Fuck you're so tight. You're so fucking wet." He pants. I am completely at his mercy, horny beyond belief as he sheathes his digits deep within my core at record speed. I feel my legs begin to fail me as I'm driven to the brink of insanity, pleasure and lust taking over every ounce of my being.

He licks the base of my throat with his hot tongue, all the way up to my lips. As my throbbing pussy pulses against his long calloused fingers, he shoves his tongue into my mouth and lustfully wrestles it with mine. I'm so close to cumming, I can feel the warmth oozing out onto him.

"Ooooooh Sadie" he sighs, removing his soaking wet fingers from my glistening center. I fall back, bumping my head on the cupboard and laughing breathlessly. I watch him slip his fingers into his mouth to suck off the sweet cream, looking into my eyes with pure affection.

What have I gotten myself into.

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