Part 35

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"I-I'm gonna go call an ambulance, alright? Stay calm, sweet love. I'm right over here... I'm not leaving..." He pointed to the phone and bolted towards it.

My breaths were coming out shallow and ragged, and the pain was worsening quickly. Every second felt like minutes and every minute felt like hours, I just wanted it all to stop.

By the bed George was dialing frantically, shaking as he held the phone to his ear. I watched him with hazy vision, holding onto my stomach and praying silently for my baby.

"They're on their way." George came rushing back in, kneeling down before me with his hands on my knees.

"J-J-John." I stammered, thinking about how he deserves to know what's going on.

"John?" George asked. "Sadie it's me, alright? Everything is going to be fine, okay? Everything has to be fine." I could tell that he was trying to be strong for me, but inside he was unraveling.

"John." I said again as the sharp spasms became more consistent. I fell over to my side and curled into a ball, crying as I cradled my belly.

"What about John?"

"The" my words organically stopped flowing as more waves of pain hit me.

"Sadie you're not making any sense. Whatever it is you can tell me later, but right now you need to just breathe. Come on, breathe."

I nodded and tried my damndest to focus on my breathing, and not even two minutes later the paramedics had arrived at the door.


My hand was almost turning white due to George's strong grip on it as I laid in the bed I was given. I honestly was getting quite tired of hospitals. It seemed as though I was in them constantly.

"It'll all be alright, darling." George mustered a smile for me and kissed my hand. I nodded and began sobbing uncontrollably, unable to hold back due to the crippling pain and fear.

"I know, I know." George said as he rubbed my arm, seemingly holding back his own tears. He held onto me until there was a knock at the door, followed by the doctor coming inside of the room.

"Sadie Brooks?" The doctor confirmed, reaching out his hand to shake mine.

"Yes." I was in too much pain to give him a handshake, and he nodded understandingly. "My name is Dr. Phillips, and I'll be taking care of you today."


"You said you were about thirteen weeks along?" He asked, clicking his pen.


"And were you having any cramping prior to the bleeding?"

"Y-yes." One word answers were all I was good for.

"Alright you're going to have to switch beds before we can do your ultrasound. Are you able to do that?"

I felt like I couldn't move, but nevertheless I nodded.

"I'll be right back then."


"Okay Sadie go ahead and lie back." The doctor said as he swiped a tube of that cold gel off of the counter. He carefully peeled up my shirt and squirted some onto me, then placed the ultrasound device right where the gel was.

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