Part 8

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"Sadie, nice to see you!" George said happily as I stepped into the Harrison household. It had been my first time back since George deflowered me on their bed upstairs.

"Hello Sadie!" I heard Olivia call from the kitchen. I smiled at her warmly, then shifted my focus to George, who flashed me a toothy grin. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wanted to kiss me.

I began to walk towards the kitchen where Olivia  stood behind the counter making a bottle. George followed close behind, touching the small of my back with his large hand. I flinched at the contact, feeling terrified of Olivia noticing.

I was very nervous. I didn't know what to do or say in the presence of both of them. If I so much as looked at George the wrong way Olivia could catch onto our secret. Especially since she already confided in my mother that she suspected he was cheating. I truly felt that I was skating on thin ice, and the ground beneath me could crumble at any minute.

"Sadie thank you for doing this, it really means a lot to us. When your mom told me you were interested, George and I both felt so relieved. Finding a trustworthy babysitter is very difficult in this day and age, especially since George is a well-known musician." She grinned, showing genuine appreciation for me. It made the knot of shame in my stomach even tighter.

"It's no problem, Mrs. Harrison. I'm happy to do it." I smiled.

I watched as Olivia placed the bottle of formula in the fridge and grabbed her purse off of the counter.

"Well I'd better get going. I've got an appointment and then I'm having lunch with my mother. Dhani is taking his morning nap right now, so that will give you guys time to go over what's expected of you."

"Sounds good! Have a great day!" I smiled at her.

"You too, Sadie. Thanks again." She chimes.

I was actually feeling pretty good until she looked at George, then walked over to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

My heart began to heat with rage as I saw her lips touch his. I wanted to pry her off of my George and take him away from her.

I know I had no right to be envious or angry at Olivia. The ring was on her finger, not mine, but it still felt like a knife to my soul.

Thankfully the kiss was quick and Olivia was on her way out. George walked her to the door, and I breathed a sigh of relief when he closed it.

I walked around the kitchen in silence as I waited for him to come back in to join me. When he finished locking the door I saw him go into the nursery to check on the baby.

I decided to make myself useful and look over the list that Olivia left on the counter. It consisted of their sons schedule, along with formula measurements and feeding times. I skimmed through it, then felt a soft pair of lips on my neck.

"Guess who?" George whispered, sucking on my skin. I huffed and wiggled away from him.

"We need to go over Dhani's schedule." I say rather seriously. George flashes a look of confusion.

"What's the matter?" He asks.

"Nothing? I'm here to go over the details of my new babysitting job, so let's get to it." He could sense the anger in my voice as it was blatantly obvious that I was seething with jealously. God, I hated how obvious my emotions were.

"Well, I know that but I thought you'd want a little snog before getting down to business."

"Oh really? That's what you thought? You just kissed Olivia, that wasn't enough for you?" I bark, crossing my arms and tapping my foot furiously.

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