chapter 17 - talk with parents

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"and why would you think i want to go on a date with you?" i asked and cocked a brow as i folded my arms across my chest

"admit it lexi. you like me. you just don't like admiting things" aaron said and smirked

"i do admit things!" i fought back and slapped his chest. not hard though.

"you're not even admiting that you don't admit things. you have a crush on me lexi, and you know it. you're just so afraid to tell the truth" aaron said

i sighed and looked down. aaron was right. i don't admit things. i'm always afraid of telling the truth. but i do like aaron.

"fine, whatever. i.. lexi marie, has a crush on aaron lockwood" i said and looked up at him as i folded my arms

"i knew it" he said and and them smirked

"about our 'hangout', would you like to call it a date instead?" he asked and cocked his head to the side

"eh. whatever" i said and shrugged, acting like whatever is happening right now isn't a big deal. but in the inside, i'm literally jumping

"okay. i'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow" aaron said and winked at me before heading out the door

when he walked out the house. i smiled widely and began dancing everywhere!

my dancing became out of hand, and i tripped over a pillow that was on the ground.

i fell down and made a loud 'thump' noise.

"sweetie?! are you alright up there?!" my mom yelled from downstairs

i sat up slowly and massaged the spot where i hit my head.

i got up and opened the door, i stuck my head out and shouted. "yeah! i'm fine! i accidentally dropped my textbook!"

"alright. dinner is almost ready. can you please help set up the table?" she asked

i groaned and made my way downstairs.

once i reached the kitchen. i began placing the utensils on the table


"so.. what was aaron doing here?" my mom asked as she put some spahgetti in her mouth and chewed on it

"he-... uh- well..." i stuttered and got lost

"he....?" my mom trailed

"he asked me out" i said amd blushed

"i knew it!" my mom exclaimed and did a mini dance

"why are you so happy about this? he just asked me out. no big deal" i shrugged and began eating

"no big deal? my daughter is going to be dating! who is this boy? where does he live? is he bad? or good?---" being the over-protective father he is. of course he's going to all the un-necessary questions

"geez dad. calm down. it's just aaron lockwood" i said

"i don't know. i don't really like that kid...." my dad trailed off

"trust me. he's not that bad" i said

"mkay. if he breaks your heart. tell me and i'll get my shotgun" my dad said

"oh my god dad" i said and slapped my forehead

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