chapter 1 - this is me

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a/n: i know i said i was going tk start piblishing chapter tomorrow, but i wanted to upload chapter 1 so here ya go (:


"lexi! can you come down here for a minute?!" my mom yelled from downstairs

i logged out from my instagram and yelled back. "comming mom!"

i hopped off my bed and ran down the stairs.

i met my parents at the living room, amd took and seat in front of them.

"what's up?" i asked them as i leaned back and waited till they replied

"we're moving out to california in 2 weeks" my mother said

"but why?" i whined

"your father and i got jobs as surgeons. this is a big deal for us" my mom said

"alright" i said and sighed

-end of flashback-

and that's where it all began. if i hadn't moved out of washignton to come here in california, i wouldn't have had to switch schools. i wouldn't have to be bullied.

hi, i'm lexi marie. just an average 15 year old girl. i have brown hair, with hazel eyes. i have a younger sister, katty. she's 3.

i've been bullied for 3 years. that's when i first moved in. at first it didn't really bother me, because i've been to many different schools, and the new kid always gets picked on.

i'm insecure. i've been confident before. but that was before i moved here. on the 2nd year of being bullied, i've cut. i don't cut a lot anymore, but i still do sometimes. the only thing that helps me fight through the pain is my best friend, shayla. she was the only friend i ever made when i first got here.

the poular kids only picked on me because i was new, and because they couldn't find anyone else to bully, so they picked me as their target.

so yeah.. basically this is me

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