chapter 5 - paired up with my bully

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"come on class! take a seat!" mr. gilbert, my p.e teacher yelled at us

we all rushed to the bleachers and sat down next to shayla

"today, there is going to be a project. and i am allowing you to have partners" mr. gilbert said as me and shayla both looked at eachother with a smirk on our face

"but i'm pairing you two" he said and we all groaned

our smirk turned into a frown.

"okay... here are the names. hannah, matthew. shayla, layla. cameil, cameron. britney, kevin. and aaron and lexi" my gilbert said and looked at us

oh god.... i'm paired up with my bully?! he's probably going to rape me, then kill me.

"i'm going to be giving you this paper" mr. gilbert said and raised up the worksheet

"you and your partner is going to be doing 5 exercises, one of you will watch your partner, as the other one does the exercise. got it?! good! now come on! go to your partner and discuss it" mr. gilbert said

"if you need anything. i'm right here" shayla whispered to me

i looked at her and smiled. "thanks shayla" i said before hugging her

i sighed and got up to go to aaron. who is making out with britney.

"uhh" i said awkwardly

they both stopped and glared at me.

"what do you want slut? didn't you see we were buisy?" britney asked and raised a brow at me

"well i don't know if you've noticed. but aaron and i are partners for a project" i said in the nicest way i could

"if you try to pull a move on aaron. i will ruin you. cause he's mine" britney spat before walking up to kevin

"ugh. why you?" aaron said and took a seat on the bleacher

i got enough of aaron bullying me. i've had it!

"what is your problem aaron?" i asked and folded my arms around my chest

"you're the problem bitch. isn't that an obvious answer?!" he yelled

i flinched at his voice and stepped back.

"stop" i whispered and held my hands up

aaron softened, and had guilt written all over his face.

i've never seen aaron feel guilty about what he does to me!

"look. i'm sorry. let's just.... discuss this project" aaron said and motioned for me to sit with him

i took the message and sat next to him.

"would you like to come to my house? or should i go to yours?" aaron asked

"i'll go to yours. my parents won't be home till midnight" i told him

"alright. you're gonna have to ride with me and my older brother though. kris. he's a senior" aaron said

"um.. okay" i mumbled and got up with him

-after school-

i am now waiting outside for aaron to come out of ms. wilson's class

minutes later aaron came walking out with britney on his side holding hands

i rolled my eyes at her because she was glaring at me

"sorry i was late" aaron apologized

whoa! did he just say 'sorry?' damn

"it's okay" i mumbled and looked at him

"bye babe. kris is picking us up" aaron said and kissed britney's lips

when yeu released, britney glared at me and then rolled her eyes as she took off.

"let's go. kris is right there" aaron said and pointed to a red ferrari

i dropped my jaw, and widened my eyes.

that car is GORGEOUS! i know i'm rich as well, but that car is just.... well damn! i'm soo asking my parents for a ferrari when i get my drivers license

i hope this 'project' thing with aaron goes well. if it doesn't. i'll see ya'll in hell

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