chapter 8 - my bully stood up for me?!

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*beep* *beep*

the sound of my alarm clock sent a frustrated groan to escape my lips.

i rolled over the bed, and fell to the ground.

"oww" i said as i got up rubbing the spot where i hit my head

i got up and stopped my alarm clock. i got up swiftly and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower

-20 minutes later-

i made my way down the stairs and took a banana before i left the house.

as i went outside and closed the door behind me, i saw shayla, and her mom waiting for me in her mom's car

"hey girl!" shayla yelled in the front seat and waved at me

i waved back and began running towards the car.

i went in and closed the door behind me.

"hi mom" i said to shayla's mom

"i see you're still calling me mom. hello lexi" she said and began driving

"well derr. shayla is basically my sister" i said in a 'duh' tone and did the 'bish whet' face

"you're unbelievable" 'mom' said and chuckled

-at school-

as i was making my way to my locker, there were people laughing and pointing at me while they were whispering stuff to one another

i ignored it and just opened my locker. i was surprised nothing came bursting out my locker.

i grabbed whatever i needed and headed to homeroom.

-1st period-

my first class was math. my math teacher is old, amd she doesn't really teach. she yells at you, but the students don't give a fuck. amd she sleeps a lot, so we all just basically do what we want.

it was fun the first day. but then the next day got worse because i found out britney, her evil minions, the other popular kids, including aaron was in this class. but i feel safe because shayla's in the same class as me.

the bell rang and the student went in and took their seats.

i took a seat at the end of the corner, and shayla sat to my right. britney sat in front of shayla, and aaron sat in front of me.

"okay class... blah blah blah" the old math teacher began

the teacher walked slowly to her seat and fastly slept.

i saw britney smirk to her minions and they all stood up.

aaron looked up to britney in a confused expression, but britney just smirked at him.

one of her friends; 'bailey' plugged in her iPhone to the projector, and a video was up

it was a video of me in middle school. 7th grade. when i still had my braces, and eye glasses. i was a total nerd back then

i watched the video as i was walkig down the halls with my head hanging low, and then falling to the ground when someone 'accidentally' bumped into me and pushed me down, which was bailey. and then i started crying, and then...... oh no.. this was the part where i peed my pants and ran to the restroom crying

everybody started laughing at me, and britney and her minions were smirking.

the tears in my eyes swelled and came pouring down.

"DON'T PISS YOUR PANTS AGAIN!" britney yelled and threw a piece of paper to me

i opened the paper and it said 'trash'

i threw it down and went back to crying. i felt hands rub my back and whispering stuf like 'it's going to be okay' which was shayla, because she's the only person who actually cares

i looked up and met aaron's gaze. he had sadness, and anger written all over his face

i hid my face and went back to crying

they voices in my head is killing me!




kill yourself



the laughs that the students were doing filled the room. why is it always me?

"ENOUGH!" i heard someone scream

i looked up and see aaron marching up to the front of the room

"what the fuck is wrong with all of you?! do you think this is a damn joke?!! the past is the fucking past! why is lexi always the easy target you go for?! she didn't even do shit to you! why do i even put up with you?! we're through britney! leave her the fuck alone! or i will ruin your life just the same way you ruined hers!" aaron yelled in anger

aaron un-plugged the phone and slammed it down to the ground

"why are you sticking up for a nerd like her?" one of aaron's jock friends asked. kyle burns

"why are you always bullying her?! yeah i've bullied her before. but i now realize how good of a person she is! you never let her open up! you always have a reason to stop her! if i catch any of you bullying her, you're over" aaron said and glared at everyone in the room

the bell rang. signaling that classes were over.

why did aaron lockwood just stand up for me?

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