chapter 23 - good terms

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"sweetie.. come on. you have to eat something" my mom said from behind the door

"i'm not hungry" i mumbled

my mom sighed before replying. "you missed breakfast, lunch, and dinner yesterday. of course your going to be hungry. you've been locked in your room for 2 days already. and i'm getting scared. please honey" my mom pleaded

i sighed as i stood up and walked towards the door.

i opened the door widely so that i can see my mom, and that my mom can see me.

"please come down and eat. after that we could go somewhere. to get things off your mind. yeah?"

"yeah" i replied and smiled at her

my mom has been my bestfriend since day one. and i couldn't ask for more.

i walked downstairs and went inside the kitchen.

as i stepped in, i stopped and froze.

there he was. aaron..

"w-what is he doing h-here?" i stuttered

"i just came to explain myself" aaron said

"explain what?! you cheated aaron! there's nothing you need to explain!" i shouted

"lexi.. please" he pleaded

i nodded my head 'no' and looked down.

"sweetie. you need to give the boy a chance to explain" my dad said

"i thought you didn't even like him?" i asked him and raised a brow at him

"that was before he 'cheated' on you. but now that i know what actually happened. i think you should give him a chance" my dad said

i sighed and nodded. "alright. but this is the last time i'm ever giving you a chance" i said and sat down in front of aaron

"okay.. as i was walking to a table. britney pulled me back. she said she needed something to tell me, i said no. but then she said if i don't listen, she will torture you. and i didn't want that. so i sat down and waited for her to talk, but then as soon a she saw you walk through the doors, she quickly kissed me. i tried pushing her away, but she had a good grip onto me. and that's where it all started. i didn't technically cheat on you" aaron said and looked into my eyes

"aaron..... i'm so sorry that i didn't give you anytime to explain" i apologized

"it's alright. i know that it took a lot of guts to trust me. so i already knew you wouldn't want to trust me again" aaron said

"so how about that date?" he asked

"aaron... just because i gave you time to explain, and that i apologized. doesn't mean that i can take you back just like that. i want us to stay as friends for now. i'm not ready for a relationship" i said truthfully

"that's okay. i understand. friend" i said and he smiled

i smiled and replied. "friend"


"have you heard from shayla?" i asked aaron as we walked into the mall

"nope. why?" he asked

"i just haven't seen her. i haven't even heard from her. she's never texted me or called me" i said

"when was the last time you saw her?" he asked

"last week thursday" i said

"and today's saturday.. let's check up on her. let's go to her house and check if she is okay. okay?"

i laughed and replied. "okay."

"what's so funny?" he questions

"the fault in our stars moment!" i said and laughed even harder

"you fangirls" he shook his head and chuckled

"let's go get some ice cream" aaron said

"sure" i replied and we both began walking towards the ice cream shop

finally.. me and aaron are finally in good terms

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