Hermit Road Trip || Hermitgang

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(Based off of Cleo's armor stand build! Okay, I know I'm Cleo's video everyone seemed like they were having fun, but I thought this would be better. Sorry if I missed any Hermits! I had way too much fun writing this...)

"Alright, everyone in the car."

"Doc, I don't trust your driving skills."

"I don't either. TFC, read the map."

The other Hermits scrambled for seats, TFC, Keralis, Ren, and Zedaph the only ones actually inside the car, with Doc at the wheel. The others jumped on top of the car and held on, knowing very well that if they didn't get onto the car somehow, they'd have to find another way to get to their destination.

Oh, and that destination? They don't know where it is yet.

Doc immediately started the engines, but Mumbo wasn't on completely yet, had trying to get up onto the roof from the front.

"No, no, wait, I'm not ready—"

"Doc, wait, we're not prepared—"

The creeper hybrid hit the gas before anyone else could say anything, going at maximum speeds.

The other Hermits on the roof quickly held onto anything they could find. Mumbo, who was hanging on for dear life on the front, tried to grab Iskall's hand. TFC tried to read the huge map in front of him without getting sick from Doc's driving.

"Driver controls the radio." Doc said, turning the knobs to find a station.

"And now, Ariana Griande's latest single—"

"Swimming along, singing a song—"

"Mumbo Jumbo's song Stupid—"

Doc's hand paused at the next station. A familiar rap track started playing.

"I'm a legend of the nHo, with Etho, Beef, and DoubleO--"

"DocMC is coming for you sevenfold," Doc rapped along with the song.

Keralis was looking around with confusion. "What's going on?"

"DOC, SLOW DOWN!" Mumbo yelled. "Some of us are trying not to die!"

"You're supposed to grab my hand!" Iskall yelled.

"I can't do that without getting run over!"

"Cub, MOVE!" Doc shouted through the windshield. "I can't see!"

"Well, if you stopped the car for a second, maybe I could move!" Cub yelled.

"WHAT?" Doc asked, raising his voice.

"My ears!" Keralis said, who was sitting next to Doc.


"You're not gonna die!" Doc said and pushed the pedal harder.


Jevin started slipping off the side. Joe and Stress quickly scooted over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Come on now, we don't want you to become putty," Joe said, hauling the blue slime up.

Xisuma and Grian sat on the trunk, holding on to whatever they could find.

"Suma! Suma! Ex-eye-suma!" Grian yelped as he nearly slipped off, Xisuma yanking him back at the last second.

"I've got you, Gee-arr-rian. Now, as long as we don't die, we'll be fine."

False shrieked and fell backward onto the two boys, almost tumbling off. Cleo and Python nearly followed, the back of the car now full. Wels accompanied then just seconds later. All this time, Doc had been driving at maximum speeds.

"We're almost there!" Doc shouted.

"WHERE'S THERE?" TFC asked frantically, trying to read the map upside-down.

"DOC, HIT THE BRAKE!" Mumbo screamed at the driver.

Doc slammed down hard on the brakes and everyone flew forward. Mumbo was pushed against the fender, knocking the wind out of him. The Hermits on the trunk got their faces smashed against the back window. The ones on the car roof nearly got thrown off. Cub and Iskall, who had been on the front of the car, fell forward. The airbags activated inside the car and Ren let out a muffled yelp.

"DOC!" All the Hermits yelled in unison and proceeded to berate him.

"We're here," Doc said.

The Hermits stopped scolding him for a second and looked around. All they saw was...Hermitland? But that was where they started.

"You took us in a circle?" Mumbo asked in disbelief. "I almost died! And it was all for nothing?"

"What was that all for?" Impulse asked, gesturing wildly at the deep tire marks made by their vehicle.

"What just happened?" Keralis asked, looking a bit sick from their escapade.

"Oh, Doc, please don't tell me you're giving us that 'it's not the destination, it's the journey' talk," Cleo sighed.

"No," Doc said. "I just took the wheel and steered us around a bit. Coming back to Hermitland was completely unintentional. I was expecting us to appear in a new area we haven't been to."

"It was all for nothing?" Mumbo repeated, still in shock from the near-death experience.

"It was fun," Doc said with a shrug.

"You weren't the one who was nearly killed a dozen times!" Mumbo protested.

"Actually..." Grian started. "It was kind of fun. Doc, can we do it again?"


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