Different World

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(I love Alan Walker and this song is so meaningful. I was a bit brain dry before this but I came across this song again and immediately got inspired to make an HC Civil War songfic. And yes, in this fic, the war is an actual war.

Also, I had to mention this, but, um, Bdubs just decided to randomly fall out of the sky in Scar's latest video so I wrote this in one sitting because I have to tell someone about this.)

The plains were littered with the signs of battles. Smoke rose in the air and fire spread to each end. On one side, a tall stone building jutted from the ground, full of deadly traps--Team STAR's base. On the other side, just as impressive, G-Team's modern base was full of unexpected rooms. Drones flew through the air, courtesy of ConCorp, who chose to stay out of the war that had been going on for weeks. Trenches had been dug, TNT primed and ready to explode, and it had all started because of a petty misunderstanding.

Inside of Team STAR's meeting room, the members of the group were seated at the table, discussing what their next plan of action would be. Doc, the leader of the team, pored over a map of the battlegrounds with Ren. False's sword was plunged into the wood table. Wels and Impulse were arguing whether or not they should go with offense or defense. Xisuma sat quietly at the end of the table--who knew what he was thinking.

The war had ruined so many friendships and forced the Hermits to side with a team. Some of them thought privately that it was all for nothing--what would a war solve? Others were sure that this was the only way to end it. They'd been working hard and trying to come up with plans, watching their plans turn into dust...was it all for nothing?

One thing was for sure--this wasn't what anybody had in mind. It felt like a different world entirely, separated from the rest of the server. It stook out like a sore thumb and those who were lucky enough to not get involved in the war stayed far from it.

One event led to another, and when the Hermits tried to avoid a problem, they caused more, and it got out of hand, leading to the barren battlegrounds where they were now.

Over at G-Team's base, it was just as serious. Mumbo had recently been exposed as a mole and was now a part of their team. He was working on a Redstone contraption with Iskall that would drop infiltrators into a pit of lava. Grian, the team's leader, was building a fake room that held nothing of value. Stress was busy breeding her wolves--she felt a bit guilty that they were being used for this purpose, but she kept that to herself--the war was too important. Cleo and Joe were constructing a false entrance. Everyone looked tired, but they all kept working. Jevin helped where he could, and Tango watched all of them from the second floor.

Tango missed Impulse. They had had a big fight, Impulse trying to convince Tango to join Team STAR, and Tango refusing. Zedaph had been wise enough to not get caught up into the drama, but now they were all separated--and in Tango and Impulse's case, forced to fight against each other. Privately, Impulse felt the same, but he knew he couldn't say anything around Doc.

Shots were fired, people were wounded, and still, neither team backed down.

They were working as hard as they could just to stay where they were, each team trying to top the other. Even though there were losses, they still tried harder and harder--and it was getting to the breaking point. The war seemed like it had been going on for an eternity.

Grian was deep in thought as he worked. He missed his old base and his shops. He missed pranking the Hermits when it was just that--just a prank, nothing harmful. Most importantly, he missed the friendships between the other members of the server. Mispronouncing Xisuma's name. Checking out Scar's latest build. Trying to fathom how Impulse wired up his Ghast Cannon.

Was it worth it to keep going?

"Hey, team," He called out. Everyone stopped to look at their leader.

"What do you think of heading out to the middle grounds?"


Team STAR was hard at work. Xisuma was the only one not doing anything, and Doc was about to call him out.

"Doc," Xisuma spoke up at the table as if reading his thoughts. Doc momentarily stopped inspecting the map to glance at the admin.

"Maybe it's time to end the war. It's been going on for ages."

The other members halted in their places and held their breath. Nobody knew what Doc was thinking--he was active in the war but kept his thoughts to himself, even when Mumbo was exposed as a mole, and the rest of the team had talked about it for days.

Best-case scenario? Doc would agree. Worst case...

Doc slowly got up and reached for his sword. Everyone was waiting anxiously. Without saying anything, he stabbed the weapon downwards into the table, sinking it into the wood, farther than False's sword.

"Come on. We're going to the battlefield."


Everyone was surprised to see the other team walking towards them. The drones' blinking red lights were on--ConCorp was getting ready to see what was going on. None of them were holding a visible weapon--that was a good sign, right?

Impulse and Tango looked pointedly at each other, but neither said anything. Cleo and Stress glanced towards False, and she gave them a little nod back. Ren looked back and forth between Doc and Grian, waiting for one of them to say something.

Grian took the fall and spoke up first.

"We--well, I--think it's time to end the war."

A frenzy of whispers arose--Grian hadn't told the rest of his team besides to go to the battlefield. Doc was silent for a bit. Then he said,

"Us too."

Another wave of hushed chatter abruptly stopped as Doc gave his team a pointed look. Xisuma gave Doc a little smile, glad that he was agreeing with the opposing team.

"I know, this war has been going on for ages, but don't you think that it's time that we settle our differences?" Grian asked, looking directly at Doc.

"We can both agree on that," Doc said. The rest of the Hermits sank in relief, happy that it was finally over. Impulse and Tango nearly bolted off to catch up, and the girls hugged one another. Mumbo was only concerned about finding his mustache. Grian and Doc stood awkwardly as the other Hermits reunited.

"I still don't forgive you for touching my bush," Doc accused Grian teasingly, breaking the silence between them.

"Oh, come on! I only added a few heads." Grian protested, a smile overtaking his face.

The Hermits headed off in their separate ways, finishing up old projects, and going back to their own lives, happy that the civil war was finally over. The war could be forgotten, but something told them that it would be remembered, but as a happy memory despite the conflict that separated them for far too long.

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