Worlds Apart Alternate Ending

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(Hah you thought it was over?

I decided to write a happier ending. You're welcome.)

"See you on the other side."

Grian stepped through the portal.



Grian was steadying his balance as he stepped through the portal when he heard the voices behind him.

He was embarrassed to admit it, but Grian was nervous that the portal wouldn't work and Taurtis and Netty (and maybe even he) would be stuck in Evo. Or worse, only Grian was able to get to Hermitcraft. So he was glad that the portal has functioned—it would mean a big change for the future.

From now on, Hermitcraft and Evo would be interlinked with each other, and this portal was the key. Grian didn't know if it would only apply to him and the other Evolutionists, but then an idea came to him.

Maybe Taurtis and Netty's wildest dream was to reunite with Grian again. Maybe that's why it worked.

Grian blinked a bit, readjusting to his surroundings. The massive Area 77 was a bit of a shock to Grian at first, he could only imagine what the others were feeling.

"Grian..." Netty said, awe in her voice, taking in her surrounding. "Is this the world you were talking about?"

Grian nodded, letting them take it all in. "And this is just one part of it. Just wait until you see Sahara."

"Wow," Taurtis said. " I can't...this is amazing."

Grian smiled at his friends' reactions. He was glad that they were together again, and glad that they got to visit both worlds again. And they could do it again...

...and again...

...and again.

There were endless possibilities with this portal. Maybe he could get the other Evolutionists here. Maybe they could set up a halfway point in between. He could introduce his new friends to his old ones.

Okay, sure, maybe the portal was good to him. Maybe if the other Hermits tried it, they would go somewhere else entirely. But for now, Grian focused on the present, which was with his friends.

"Welcome to Hermitcraft."

(A bit of explaining to do.

In the original Worlds Apart, Taurtis and Netty were a bit bitter, even mad, with Grian for leaving them, even if it was involuntarily. They pretended like it was nothing, but that's why the portal didn't work. Then, all of a sudden, Grian just decides to visit? It was like they were playing with their feelings.

The portal would have taken Taurtis and Netty somewhere else. Now you see why I changed it.

In this version, the dream of reuniting with each other went both ways. That's why the portal functioned this time.)

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