The Journey To Season 7

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"Alright, everyone in the car."

"After all this time, Doc, I still don't trust your driving skills."

"I still don't, either. TFC, can you hold the map?"

"I thought you would know your way by now."

"Shut up and read the map."

The other Hermits scrambled around the car, trying to find seats. Ren and X started fighting over a window seat before Scar took it and, just to spite the others, saved the one next to him for Jellie. Mumbo, determined not to get stuck on the fender again, managed to snag a seat inside the car next to Jevin. The unlucky Hermits climbed on top of the car, hearing the metal groan and squeak.

"You're sure this car can hold our weight?"

"I mean, it already did once. Let's see if it still has some strength for one last ride."

The rusty old car they were using had been sitting out in the rain for months. It still had bumps and dents from their last road trip. Unlike the last time, though, when they had no idea where they were going, they had a destination.

Season 7.

The Hermits were looking around Hermitville, amazed at how much it had changed since the beginning of the season, when it was just a taiga forest. The massive buildoff loomed in the distance, weighed down by weather's natural wear and tear. If you squinted, you could make out the white concrete of Area 77 and the wooden tones of Hippieland.

This would be the last time they saw this place.

Grian was carrying as many shulker boxes as he could. Mumbo had had to drag him away from his shulker monster ("I can't say goodbye," he said with tears in his eyes). Scar was stashing his diamonds away in any pocket he could find. He couldn't imagine being poor in the next season. Many of the others were carrying bits and bobs they still found sentimental from their time here.

Doc, who was sitting in the driver's seat, started up the engine. "Everyone ready?"

The rest of the group nodded, a mix of happiness and sadness. Season 6, while not the first season for most Hermits, was full of so many weird and wacky things, from IDEA to Sahara to Demise to the Civil War. So many new memories were made here, and it was painful seeing this world go.

Season 6 had affected each Hermit in its own way. For Grian, it was his first season. For Bdubs and Keralis, it was returning to a special world they hadn't been a part of for years. Hermits formed new groups and made new friends.

It wasn't all sentimental and sad, though. Everyone was looking forward to Season 7. Many had already made goals and plans for businesses, builds, and skills. As they say: make new memories and cherish the old.

Doc pushed the pedal lightly, urging the car out of its position. More than one Hermit looked back at Hermitville as it slowly shrunk to a pinpoint in the distance.

Hermitgang played on the radio one last time as the car drove off into the distance.

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