Fun And Games || Hermitgang

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(Word Count: 1135

Nighttime games at Hermitland! An amusement park/carnival one-shot with different stereotypes! We're back to the fun stuff...for now

Again, sorry if I missed any Hermits! I also changed up a few things, having some Hermits not played any games before and some games that have never been added.)

"Doc, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Stop being such a scaredy-dog, Ren. It's just a rollercoaster."

"Yeah, with a very steep drop."

Ren held on tightly to the handlebars as their rollercoaster cart traveled slowly upward. The tension was building, and he was not liking it.

Doc seemed to enjoy it--he was the one who somehow dragged Ren over here in the first place. Why such people enjoyed traps of death such as this, Ren didn't know.

Seriously, there was lava. And fire, absolutely everywhere.

"Is it too late to turn back?" Ren said quietly.

"Yes. Remember to put your hands up."

"My hands will be firmly on the handlebars, please and thank you."

The cart edged towards the vertex of the coaster--was this build height? Surely Joe wouldn't build it this high...would he?

"Here we go," Doc said.

The rollercoaster paused for a moment, then gravity took over and the duo plunged down at maximum speed.


"I dunno, Impulse. Aren't these games usually rigged?"

Keralis checked out the minigames that were available to them. There were so many to choose from--the miner-style Dig Straight Down, the golden Undying, the humongous city of Ravager Run...

Impulse shrugged. "You're looking at the master game-breaker, sir. There's gotta be a game here I can beat."

The two of them headed towards Iskall's game, RUN.

"Welcome to RUN: Random Unfair Nonsense." Impulse skimmed through the pages of the book, not bothering to read anything. After quickly, not exactly accurately, explaining the rules to his wide-eyed companion, they each took over a fair amount of diamonds.

Keralis had the honors of putting in the first diamond. The door didn't open.

Impulse tried. The piston door retracted, revealing a yellow room.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen," Keralis said as they cautiously walked through.

The floor immediately opened from beneath them, dropping them down into a tunnel that lead them back to the entrance to RUN.

"I'm doing this until I get at least ten of those keys," Impulse said. "From what I've heard, there are some really good prizes."

"I'm winning all of them," Keralis said, inputting another diamond.


"No. We are not doing this ride. Anything but this ride."

"But we're trying to ride every single ride in this place!" Grian protested.

Mumbo waved his hands empathetically. "I'll sit this one out, thanks."

"Oh no, Mr. Mumbo," Iskall said, taking Mumbo's hand and dragging him along. "You're coming with us."

"But it's a dropper. A very high dropper, thank you."

"We are riding every single ride here."

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