#Jingled || Hermitober

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(Word count: 277

The Jingler...if you're reading this, this chapter is dedicated to you.

Not to self-advertise or anything, but I also started a new book called Hermitcraft: Origins! Check it out if you want to, but that means that I have two books to take care of now...so this one will be updated less.)

"Well, hello, there, my fellow miners and crafters, GoodTimesWithScar here, and welcome back to the wonderful world of Hermits and crafting, and we're flying over...Jingle Land?"

Scar chuckled a bit. "The Jingler's up to it again. Well, as long as he didn't touch any of my things, I'm okay with it."

He checked out what the Jingler had changed in Hermitland-now-Jingle Land. Sahara Eats was now Sandals, Stress' ice shop Ice Ice Baby, and NFD in the distance was renamed to Newly Found Diorite.

"Now, this is fine and all, but I need to build something in Area 77. I know, I know, I said I was done with the major builds, but something has to be done with the unintentional mob farm in the HIB headquarters."

Scar took off towards the alien investigation center.

"By the way, I don't really know who the Jingler is, but I have a few suspicions. If they ever reveal themselves, I'll probably be wrong, though."

The builder landed in Area 77 and immediately saw something wrong.

"You can target Hermitland, Jingler, but not my build!"

The HIB HQ had had some letters added to it, making the sign saw HIBERNATION. "Jingler...that doesn't even make any sense!"

Inside the room, there was a sign that said #Jingled.

"How did they even get in...oh wait. We opened Area 77 as an amusement park. Dang it."

Scar took down the signs and fixed the HIB sign. "There we go. Back to its pristine state."

The Jingler would be found out one day...sooner or later. For now, though, the Hermits would just have to deal with their antics.

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