Mistletoe || CtC 12

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(Word count: 343


Also, quick disclaimer Demise isn't in this because the recent events would have thrown off this story entirely but I am planning a little miniseries so yay)

"Iskall, no."

"Why not?" Iskall was hanging out on Grian's chair in the Sahara meeting room, holding a bundle of mistletoe. He smiled innocently. "Oh, hey, look, mistletoe!"

"Is this the only reason you brought us here?" Mumbo was in between blushing furiously and being livid at the Swede. Grian was also under the mistletoe, staying silent.

They both knew what Iskall was asking for.

"No...I actually needed your help. But it can wait." Iskall shoved the mistletoe closer to the couple. "Kissy-kissy?"

Mumbo was surprised his face hadn't blown up by now, either by embarrassment or irritation. "Oh my goodness..."

Grian looked away, too, a small blush spreading on his cheeks. Mumbo wanted to blow the ceiling up all the way and fly out of there...

...but, at the same time, he wanted to stay.

"Pleeeeease?" Iskall begged, drawing out the word. "It can be an early Christmas gift!"

"I'm thinking of asking Bdubs for that diorite castle now," Mumbo muttered under his breath.

"Look! It's so green! And vibrant! And, uh, festive?" Iskall waved the mistletoe tauntingly.

Grian still hadn't said anything. Mumbo starting to panic. Why isn't he saying anything? I don't want to make the first move—no, wait, what move? You're not making a move, Mumbo. Shut up.

Mumbo shifted his feet awkwardly. He was about to leave when Grian suddenly stood on his tiptoes and gave Mumbo a quick peck on the lips, then just as quickly withdrawing, his small blush exploding into a full-out shade to match his sweater.

The mustaches man couldn't think for a long second. Then, his brain seemed to catch up with the rest of his body and he blushed just as furiously.

"Awwww." Iskall's voice broke the awkward silence. "That's adorable! Heh, I just realized. I don't need your help restocking Sahara. Grian already provided the materials and I can stock the system myself. I'll just leave you two here to talk about Sahara."

He left the room, grinning. "That is what you're going to talk about, right?"

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