Christmas Baking || CtC 9

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(Word count: 851

I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS!!! I had it planned for almost a week and never got around to doing it so sorry if it's a bit rushed! I'm writing all of this on the day it's due, but I had a good idea for it so I wanted to get it out!)

The room was a discordant harmony of aromatic smells, the clatter of pots and pans, and three girls trying to outdo each other in a "friendly" baking competition.

It was safe to say this had escalated quickly.

Stress was in her corner of the room, her fingertips covering in blue and white frosting. She was multitasking in between frosting her cake—with real snow and multilayered frosting—and baking a new batch of her Alimoo cookies.

Despite the overwhelming amount of work to do, Stress stayed positive and hummed a happy tune under her breath. It wasn't the same for the other girls, though.

Cleo was standing on the opposite side of the room and was furiously mixing her baking mix by hand, despite the mixer a mere feet away. The pirate gritted her teeth and tried to reach for the sugar with one hand while mixing with the other.

Without looking, she grabbed what she thought was the sugar and almost spilled the whole thing into her mix. Cleo groaned loudly when she realized she'd snatched up the salt.

"How's it going over there?" A voice called tauntingly. "Better catch up, Cleo!"

False was taking her sweet time in making her sugar cookies. Leaning in close to the oven, she inhaled their sweet scent as they baked. Grinning over at her competitors, she called out, "They smell delicious! Want to try some after I win?"

"Nobody cares about your opinion, False!" Cleo sang back in a mock sweet voice. "This pirate ship cake is going to be the clear winner for sure."

"I don't know, Cleo," Stress said without looking over her shoulder, still adding the tedious details to her snow cake. "I'm making two things. You guys are only making one."

"You wanna bet?" Cleo flipped frantically through her baking recipe book, then threw it to the side and decided to wing it. False giggled a bit and flipped around for the perfect cake to bake, watching Cleo zip around in amusement.

"Zombie pirates." Cleo muttered to herself, mixing in a bunch of ingredients in her bowl simultaneously. "To stand on the ship."

"A flower cake would do nicely," False said loudly as she pulled her steaming cookies out of the oven. She purposely wafted the smell over to Cleo and Stress. "I have the perfect design! Much better than a snow cake," she continued.

Stress sang her theme song loudly to drown out False's bragging. In her haste, she squirted a large dollop of icing onto her cardigan. Not even bothering to clean it up, the ice queen continued her tedious detailing.

"Hey! No sabotage!"

Stress looked back and saw Cleo holding a can of sugar in her hand. False was holding a similar can of salt, which she had just poured into her baking mix. Stress started laughing, not bothering to help.

"Hey, that's not fair!" False protested.

Cleo hid the can of salt behind her back and smiled innocently. "How's the baking mix?"

"Okay, that's it," False said, walking up to Cleo's own bowl and pouring half of it into the mix. Cleo yelped. "Hey!"

Stress giggled, sneaking up behind the two girls's backs and drawing a large blue heart onto each of False's plain sugar cookies.

False whipped around and caught her in the act. "Oh, you are dead."

Stress yelped and ran away as False chased her with her bag of neon yellow frosting.


"Oh, man, I am starving. I can't wait to see what they got up to."

Iskall, Joe, and Ren met up outside the baking room. They were ready to taste their friends's sweet treats after a long day of hard work.

Ren inhaled the sweet smells. "Mmm, smells good already."

"What are we waiting for?" Iskall opened the door and halted.

The room was covering in frosting. A broken bowl sat near Cleo's workstation. False's entire counter was graffitied in blue and white icing. Stress's intricate ice cake was partially burnt, as if someone had held a flint and steel to the cake. Baking mix was all over the place, and tools were strewn across the floor.

The girls themselves were just as messy. False had matching blue frosting on her clothes and in her hair. Stress was covered in purple and a hideous neon yellow hue of frosting. Cleo was holding two cans of sugar and salt and looked like she was about to pour it on False.

"Uh..." for once, Joe was at a loss for words. "What happened?"

"The snow cake..." Iskall looked longingly at the ruined cake. "Man, I was waiting all day for that!"

"Never mind the treats," Ren said, looking at False. "What did you do? This looks like the kitchen after the Architects tried to make a cooking show!"

Iskall started to protest, then agreed with Ren.

"We had a competition," Cleo said slowly. "It got out of hand."

Ren coughed. "Obviously."

"Oh, shush. Now, are you going to help us clean this mess or not?"

The boys were out of the room before you could say who won in the first place.

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