Incorrect Quotes Part 4 (More Variety Woo)

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(I missed writing these! Have fun, it's a longer one too!)

Mumbo: *sees explosion in the distance*
Mumbo: Wow, I wonder what idiot was responsible for that.
Mumbo: *does a double take and realizes it was Grian who started the explosion*
Mumbo: Wait, that's MY idiot!

Xisuma: Hey, if you put "violently" in front of every action, it becomes funnier!
Cub: Violently does Redstone
Scar: Violently builds
Iskall: Violently says "of DOOM"
Grian: Violently murders children
Mumbo: Violently worries about that last comment

Cleo: *opens a Capri Sun* Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.

Mumbo: No. Bad idea.
Grian: There are no bad ideas, Mumby. Only good ideas that go horribly wrong.

Cleo: I've got an idea!
Joe: We're not going to murder anyone!
Cleo: I don't have any ideas.

Everyone who's met Scar: I've only had Scar for a day but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone around me and then myself

Xisuma and Keralis: *fighting behind counter*
Bdubs: Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle?

Scar: I can't believe we're stuck in this room together
Cub: *swallowing the key* Truly unfortunate.

Cub: You look nice, I want to kiss you
Scar: What?

Grian: Mumbo's too tall for me to pat him on the head, what do I do?
Cleo: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, do it.
Bdubs: Tackle him.
Xisuma: Dump him.
Cub: Kick him in the shin.

False: *bangs on door* CLEO, OPEN UP!
Cleo: Well, it all started when I was a child...
Joe: No, she meant—
Stress: Let her finish.

Mumbo: I'm not doing so well, I have this headache that comes and goes.
Grian: *walks into room*
Mumbo: Oh look, there it is again.

Mumbo: So how do Keralis and Xisuma get out of these messes?
Bdubs: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels out the first one out.

Cub: Don't you think that this is crazy?
Scar: What?
Cub: My heart is beating so loudly right now
Scar: *blushes* Why?
Cub: There's a snake near your feet
Scar: *jumps to mid-air*

Ren: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated! :3
Doc: Killed without hesitation.

Cleo: I had NOTHING to do with it!
Cleo: Okay, it was my idea, but I don't feel good about it.

Grian: Okay, but listen, the meme makes no sense!
Iskall: Oh my god Grian
Scar: Not again
Grian: Moths aren't attracted to lamps, they are CONFUSED by them! They usually fly at an angle relative to light such as the moon, and lamps throw them all off!

Ren: The first one to reply is gat
Ren: *gay
Ren: Wait...

Grian: Hello? Can you let me in? I tried blowing up your door but it didn't work.

Mumbo: What did you fix?
*loud exploding in background*
Grian: ...except that.

Ren: Daddy, can you pass me the salt?
Mumbo: *reaches for salt*
Doc: *reaches for salt*
Iskall: *reaches for salt*
Grian: And so it begins.
Cleo: I'm surprised no one threw me across the table this time.

Cub: Can you pass me the pepper
Scar: What's the magic word
Cub: *starts summoning Vex magic*
Scar: *panicking* JUST TAKE IT OH MY GOD

Cub: Sometimes Scar is like a box.
Xisuma: Explain.
Cub: Scar is fragile and he needs to be handled with care.

Mumbo: Since when is babysitting Grian my-
Mumbo: Oh wait, that's exactly my job.

Joe: Tomorrow is trash day, just a reminder.
Cleo: *immediately stands up and walks outside to sit on the curb*

Grian: *sneaks in through the window at 2AM*
Iskall: *flicks on light and turning around in his chair* So, where were you?
Grian: I-I was with Mumbo!
Mumbo: *turning around in his own chair* Want to try again?

Joe: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant
Cleo: *stirring a cup of tea passive aggressively* Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly?? There's no pleasing you.
Burglars, who broke into their house two hours ago: Two sugars please
Cleo: Coming right up

Cleo: The quickest way to a person's heart is through the fourth and fifth ribs.

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