Not How I Remember || Infinity Portal

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(Word count: 2113

My hands hurt so much. I typed half of this in one sitting.

Angst train: Keralis and Bdubs edition

I am so sorry)

Bdubs was falling.

He didn't know how to explain it. He just simply woke up one day, ready to start building again, only to find himself high up in the sky, falling at terminal velocity.

Bdubs yelped, trying to fly, but then found out that he had nothing. Nada. Where was all his diamond armor, his Elytra? Someone must be playing a sick joke on him. It was probably Etho or Doc.

The ground approached faster and faster and with it unfamiliar territory. Bdubs spotted a huge airfield, roads made of gray concrete powder, massive cliffs jutting out from the ground.

This wasn't the Hermitcraft Bdubs remembered.

He spotted some movement, and Bdubs realized it was another person. He tried to open his mouth for help, but then he hit the ground. Pain shot up his body, and everything faded to black.

That must have been a dream. There was no way that was real.

Bdubs was scared to open his eyes. He could feel the wind whistling around him. Perfectly normal...maybe he left the window open?

He cracked open one eye and winced as he realized he was falling yet again.  The ground was littered with multicolored buildings, but the point of interest was the big box of white concrete. A huge shop of some sort? It still didn't look familiar to him. He spotted another person. While the first was unfamiliar, Bdubs instantly recognized the man.

"Iskall! ISKALLLLL!"

The last thing Bdubs saw before his vision faded to black yet again was Iskall jumping back at the sight.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!"

It was like he was in an endless loop of just falling, over and over again. Unfamiliar territory, new people, some people he recognized, but every time Bdubs hit the ground, he just woke up again to another round of falling.

Until something changed.

"Why does this keep happening?!"

Bdubs was just annoyed at this point. However Doc or whoever did this to him managed to pull this off, it was seemingly endless.

He spotted the massive airfields again, but that was off to a distance. Right below him was a modest house made of quartz, with a swimming pool outside.

Swimming pool.


No fall damage.

The cycle would end.

Bdubs hit the water with a wonderful splash. He got water up his nose and his clothes were drenched, but he was so relieved the falling cycle was over he didn't care.


Bdubs looked over to see another familiar sight--Keralis, with his wide eyes, if possible, wider.

"Hi!" He chirped, probably looking like a complete weirdo right then--he just fell out of the sky and landed in Keralis' swimming pool. "Sorry about that," he said, climbing out.

"You gave me a heart attack!" The builder said. "I didn't know you were here, too!"

"What do you mean?" Bdubs asked, confused. "I've been here. Right?"

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