OTP Drabbles

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(Some short stories for a few ships! Enjoy!)

Movie Night: Bdubs x Scar

Scar rested his head on Bdubs's shoulder. Bdubs smiled, and lowered the volume on the TV. Scar had put on The Wizard Of Oz for their weekly movie night, and this wasn't the first time. Bdubs practically had the script engraved in his head.

"Bdubs, this is the best part," Scar muttered, half-asleep.

"You probably have the plot memorized, anyway," Bdubs said.

"Not true," Scar said, but he mouthed along to the words anyway.

"I'm finally getting more affection than Jellie?" Bdubs joked, even though he knew Jellie had the #1 place in Scar's heart.

Scar chuckled under his breath. "Don't be so jealous. You're special, too."

The Real You: Grian x Mumbo

(This was way too fun to write, I have a problem. Might make this a full fic later)

Mumbo was slammed against the wall, the air knocked out of him. The silhouette at the other end of the room laughed without humor.

"I've wanted to do that for quite some time now."

Getting up was too hard. The pain was unbearable, both mentally and physically. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

The figure steeped closer and looked down at Mumbo. His normally playful face was a mask of anger, and his eyes had a hint of madness. "Look at that. For once, I'm taller than you."

"You're avoiding the question," Mumbo spat out.

He shrugged nonchalantly.

"So that's it? After all we've done, this is the real you? Is the explosive, prankster person I know even real?"

"I'd quit talking if I were you."

Mumbo shut his mouth, but his anger was growing. He couldn't hold a remark back. "You're a monster."

Memories flashed through Mumbo's mind: Grian moving to Hermitcraft after the Evo disaster, Mumbo trying hard to teach him Redstone, Grian confiding all his secrets late at night, teasing Iskall for being a third wheel...what had happened to all those memories? Was that just a fake side of Grian? Was this the real him?

Grian bent down and locked eyes with Mumbo, smirking a little.

"The truth is...I never loved you."

It's The Cold: Ren x Doc

"Are you blushing?"

"W-what? No!"

Ren grinned wolfishly. "Oh, man! Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total legend Docm77 to blush?"

Doc was definitely turning red. "No...it's the cold."

"Ah, yes, the sunny, not-a-cloud-in-the-sky cold. What if I told you you were the greatest, most special person ever to walk the grounds of Hermitcraft? Would you blush because of that?"

Doc's voice cracked. "N-no."

Take My Hand: Scar x Cub

"Hey. I need you to promise me something."

Cub looked back in concern. "What is it?"

"I need you to promise me that whenever I'm scared, you'll hold my hand."

"Yeah, okay," Cub said, still slightly confused.

Scar took Cub's hand gently and held it in his own.

"What are you doing? Are you scared of something right now?" Cub asked, looking around.

Scar looked up at Cub.

"I'm scared that if I let your hand go, you'll disappear."

Trust Me: Mumbo x Tango

(Yeah that's right it's torturing Mumbo hours lads)

"Mumbo! Take my hand!"

Mumbo's hand slipped, gravity pulling him down. The rocks were jagged, and his hand was cut from grasping for some sort of handhold. The cliff had a steep drop, and even though there was a rushing river below, either the currents or the sharp rocks would kill him.

With effort, he grabbed Tango's outstretched hand. "Pull me up, pull me up."

But the demon didn't. "Tango...?"

Tango looked away. "Sorry, Mumbo..."

Mumbo started panicking. "What are you talking about? Just pull me up, please!"

Tango met Mumbo's eyes, and he could see the pain and anguish in them. Then his face steeled, and he glared at Mumbo.

"You can't trust anyone."

Then he let go of Mumbo's hand.

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?: Stress x Iskall

Iskall knocked on Stress's castle door, hearing the knock echo through the walls inside. "Stress? You there?"

"Give me a minute!" came the cheerful reply.

A few moments later, the castle door was thrown open. Iskall smiled. "About time."

Stress twirled around in her dress. "I had to get ready."

"Well, hurry up before the snow melts."

"I'm sure you and your Redstone genius could find a way to preserve the snow."

Iskall shrugged. "Well, you're not wrong..."

Stress laughed and ran off into the tundra. "C'mon, Iskall! Let's go build a snowman!"

"You sound like a little kid," Iskall called after her retreating figure, but he followed suit.

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