Shifted Brothers

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(Word count:

Complete credit to ausforyou for the amazing Shifted AU! The main gist of it is that the Hermits have switched personalities, which I think is super fun to write about. I wanted to write about Christmas so this can be like an honorary CtC thing?)

"Ex, what is that?"

"It's a present, Xisuma." Ex shook his head good-naturedly. "Geez. It's for you, so no spoilers."

X rolled his eyes a bit as his excitable brother. Ex made an exaggerated move of blocking the surprise from X's point of view.

"I don't suppose it would be too much if you got me a present, too?" Ex asked, looking at X.

"O-oh," X stammered, momentarily caught off guard. He hadn't thought of that—but Christmas was coming up, and Ex loved Christmas like he loved X. X would have to get him something.

Ex would love anything X would give him. That was just his personality. But X would feel guilty if he didn't at least put some effort into the present.

Knowing Ex, he would probably make something handmade for X. Maybe a card or ornament to hang on their tree.

As if to prove his point, Ex called out, "Hey, can you pass me the glitter?"

X carelessly tossed the glitter bottle over his shoulder, not checking to see if it was closed properly. The cap popped off and showed Ex in glitter.

X's eyes widened. "Uh, sorry—"

Ex started laughing. "It's okay." He took off his helmet and shook the glitter off. "Now it's got extra glitter. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not really," X said. Ex glanced over at him, then put his helmet back on.


X's base hasn't been this messy for a while. Crumpled-up paper littered the floor. Various art supplies were scattered around carelessly. X himself smacked his head against the wall. "Stupid brain. Give me inspiration."

After he'd stayed with Ex for a bit, X had headed back to his base to work on his own present. At least, he'd tried to. After a good portion of the day spent on this, he'd come up with exactly zero ideas. Scrapbook? Nope. Painting? Cliche. Some sort of rare block? Well, they were rare for a reason.

There was one more option he could do. It was cheapskating, but X was desperate. He pulled out a piece of paper and started writing.


"Merry Christmas, X!" Ex cheerfully handed a present he probably wrapped himself. X took it and gently tore the paper open.

The present was an intricate painting that used a lot of glitter. It was a portrait of him and Ex, arms around each other and grinning. It made X's halfhearted gift look terrible. "Wow...Ex, how much time did you put into this?"

"Probably two and a half weeks, why?" Ex looked concerned. "Do you not like it?"

"What? No! I mean, yes! I mean—it's great. I love it. This must have taken so much time to do." X stuttered over his words.

"Did you make a present for me?" Ex looked hopeful.

"Uh..." X awkwardly handed over the wrapped present. He hadn't even tried to wrap it well.

Ex took apart the wrapping paper and gasped in delight. It didn't even sound fake—it was genuine. "X...I love it! It's beautiful."

"I didn't even try that hard," X said guiltily.

"I'll love whatever you make, X." Ex smiled. "I will admit, you could have done better here"—he pointed to multiple spots—"and here. And also there. And—"

"Don't rub it in," X said, smiling a bit.

Without warning, Ex rushed in and hugged X tightly. "Merry Christmas, Xisuma."

X tensed for a bit. He didn't like physical contact. After a bit, though, he melted into the hug.

"Merry Christmas, EX."

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