Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The first attack was simply devastating.

According to the remaining radio reports, 1/4 of the global population was either infected or dead.

Africa was the first to get hit, but it didn't take long before it spread across nations like wildfires. The America's were ravaged and Asia and Europe quickly followed. Australia appeared clean for a while. But a paradise can only last for so long.

Taehyung was alone. His family, dead. Friends, dead. Neighbors, dead. Or at least... basically dead. More like Undead. However the luxury of imagining them alive was not a luxury the remaining world could afford. And it definitely wasn't one that he could afford. He learned his lesson.

To be more specific, he was left mostly alone. His best friend was with him. Jimin was one of the few reasons Tae was still alive. But they went through hell to get where they were now. Jimin had to watch his family die. The... monsters rampaged through his house, killing anyone and everyone in the way. Jimin was the only one who survived the devastating attack out of his whole family. The next place the boy went was to Taehyung's apartment. He always wondered how Jimin was able to hold on to even a sliver of his old cheer. After everything he went through, he was always there for Tae and it amazed him.

Taehyung, luckily, didn't see his family die. His family lived on the other side of the country. He never heard from them even after calling each member of his family a million times. He got tired of hearing automated voicemails and cheerful "I'll call you back later's" so he decided it would be best to accept the reality of the new world they lived in. Even after a good few weeks, no calls were returned, only deepening the boys resolve that he was, indeed, alone.

Taehyung's feet pounded through the empty alley, water splashing loudly each time they landed. He glanced back at his silent companion, making sure he was following because, for some reason, his feet didn't seem to make a sound. Damn his short dancer limbs' gracefulness.

The pair twisted through the dark street, each turn stimulating a feeling of fear in the pit of his stomach, praying that the coast would remain clear. The way to their makeshift hideout was long and complicated, the small buildings hidden well by the concrete forest that surrounded it.

The small house came into view, but Tae knew not to breathe a sigh of relief until they were safely inside. It wasn't until The two boys made it into the small house, locking the door behind them, that he relaxed, collapsing onto the nearest couch, Their adrenaline officially running out for the night. However, both knew that it wasn't finished yet. Taehyung and quickly boarded the door with its normal planks of wood, as if to fortify the gateway to hell. He turned and stumbled into the kitchen, dumping his backpack's contents onto the kitchen table. Jimin did likewise, adding to the small pile. "Well fuck."

"We're running low... definitely going to have to move again.We've practically stripped this neighborhood clean," Jimin murmured, scratching the back of his neck in worry.

"Well no shit Sherlock." Tae muttered back, causing Jimin to release one of his rarer smiles at The sarcastic comment.

Taehyung missed his friend's smiles. They could light up the night sky, acting as its own independent sun before they fell. But, then again, he missed a lot of things, none of which would come back any time soon and he would move on because it was the only thing he could do. "What I'm thinking is that we just head towards the outskirts here," Tae pointed to spot on the scavenged map that they found in a convenience store, "and settle down for a few days and then just leave. Seoul is practically wiped clean from all the other survivors, so there isn't a point in staying. Plus it's being overrun, so it gets more dangerous every week."

After he studied the map some more, Jimin looked up at him, eyes widening, "You do realize that we are going to have to go through the Underground right? That neighborhood is ruled by gangs man... I'm less worried about the zombies and more about the people!"

Tae shrugged, "We can take care of ourselves. We aren't helpless, and we can handle our weapons pretty well. It'll be easy to avoid detection if it's only two of us." Jimin raised his eyebrows at the "It'll be easy" part.

"Easy my ass. They're ruthless, Tae. You've heard the rumors. That neighborhood is full of murder, raids, and attacks. It doesn't matter how good we are with knives and how well we can defend and shit if we are dead before we can pull them out! That place is overrun!"

Tae sighed extra dramatically and pulled his best whine, "But Jiminie," he drawled, "We could possibly meet Namjoon-hyung there! That's the only place he would be if he's still alive! Also those are rumors from people who were half insane! They didn't know what year it was! It's probably fine."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "If, Tae, if. We don't even know if he is still alive, and it's a huge risk... He hasn't returned any of our calls and even if he did, there's no telling as to what would happen if we just waltz right in."

Their debate drawled out a bit longer before Jimin fell prey to Taehyung's pout and agreed to their suicide mission. "I never wanted to live anyways," Jimin murmured sarcastically.

They decided to leave the next day and quickly packed up their scarce belongings. Once done, their exhaustion caught up to them and they collapsed onto their destroyed mattresses. Both falling into a sleep that, for once, didn't allow dreams to haunt the them.
Hey guys😊

Zombie apocalypse is a thing ig so here's some action. But yeah hope you enjoy this one, and I hope it turns out well! See you on the other side!

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