Chapter 29: A Wish

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I have decided to post tonight, one to celebrate 12k, aaaand because it's this chapter then the epilogue and we are done! SO I hope you enjoy this chapter my beautiful loves and see you tomorrow for the epilogue <3


The group left around 3 in the afternoon, finally finishing packing after the sudden polaroid war started by Jimin and Taehyung as they ran around taking turns snapping pictures of everybody. They all ate their last meal at the place they had called home for so long before they turned and left, eyes set on the hills that lay beyond the metal jungle who's name would be lost to time but remained in their hearts as their home, Seoul.

After they stopped at a small market, stocking up on the last bit of non-perishables that would last them a month or two, they headed out of the city, happy to not run into any more hordes on their way out.

As they walked, Jungkook and Taehyung's hands never untangled from each other, seemingly permanently intertwined. They smiled and laughed with the group, light blushes coloring both their cheeks at their simple skinship, their hearts refusing to calm down as they beat out of their chests in perfect union.

By the time the seven boys reached the outskirts of the city, the sun was shining on their backs, illuminating the glass and metal skyscrapers and sending a beautiful golden glow across the city. The sun's rays stroked against their skin, keeping their bodies warm and the slight breeze that danced around them kept them from sweating. It was a beautiful day at the end of the apocalypse and as they watched over the city, they couldn't help but feel a bit of them was being left behind, but another part was being discovered as they moved on, out to another adventure.


It took surprisingly only a few hours to find a little farmhouse, the surrounding countryside covered by beautiful, colorful flowers and small litterings of trees, the rest of the land stretching as far as their eyes could reach before hitting a far off treeline on the other side of the field. The farmhouse seemed like a simple layout, two stories from what they could tell with an abandoned henhouse beside it, it's red paint surprisingly still intact. If they looked over to the right, there was a large barn with a second story that sat on a small hill and looked back towards the city. The boys couldn't help but feel like they had found a beautiful sanctuary in their lives of chaos.

"I think this will do," Namjoon murmured as they all stared at the farmhouse. Receiving six identical nods, the seven boys made their way into the small home. The first floor consisted of a decently sized kitchen, which Jin rejoiced about, a large living room, a bathroom, one master's bedroom, and a small study that doubled as a library. The second floor had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a small playroom that looked out over the fields. It was almost too perfect. No signs of a family remained except for a single picture frame that hung on a wall in the living room, showing two parents and three kids, all with wide smiles on their faces as they stared into the camera. Taehyung smiled sadly at the photo, gently lifting it off the wall and drawing his fingertips across the glass that had a nice layer of dust covering it.

"What do you have, love," Jungkook whispered, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist and resting his head on his shoulder.

"They look so happy," the older responded, tracing the outline of the family. "I wonder what happened to them," he murmured, before placing the photo back on the wall and turning to face the boy wrapped around his body.

"Well, they didn't die here. Maybe they escaped and are living happily somewhere safe," Jungkook murmured, a small, blissful smile on his face.

"Yeah," Taehyung chuckled, nodding, "Maybe they did."

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