Chapter 7: Contact

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Taehyung lifted his head from the soft pillow, nervousness and curiosity filling his body. When nothing and no one came in and no sound rang out, he lowered his head back to the embrace of distant sleep. He closed his eyes, trying to bring it closer.

The boy stifled a scream when a hand shot over his mouth. His eyes shot opened and he tried to distance himself as much as possible, which wasn't much since he was in bed. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Taehyung slowly relaxed, seeing who was standing in front of him. Jungkook gave him a small smile and slowly took his hand away from the surprised boy's mouth.

"Follow me."

Taehyung wiped his eyes and slowly raised his eyebrow, "Why?"

His question got an eyebrow raise in return, "Because you're not sleeping and I'm bored, so I want to show you something. Now come on." The boy turned and walked towards the door, turning back and waiting for Taehyung to follow.

The sleepy boy turned his head to Jimin, sleeping lightly in the bed next to him. He knew that if he wasn't there and Jimin woke up, he might worry about him. But he also knew that Jimin didn't need to look over him anymore, and they both would need to realize that.

"Want me to leave you and your boyfriend alone, or are you coming?"

"He's not my boyfriend," Taehyung scoffed, standing up.

The waiting boy just hummed in response, turning towards the empty hallway and walked out. Taehyung wasn't able to see the suppressed smile that broke across the boy's face. 

They crept down the halls and stairs, trying not to wake any of the others. Reaching ground level, Jungkook turned towards the back exit and strode over, stopping at the door. He turned to see that Taehyung was still on the last stair. He was staring at the door, a mask of emotions was portrayed across the boy's face. The idea of going outside again... especially at night, was horrifying to him. He had experienced too much in the dark.

Jungkook slowly glided towards the scared boy, stopping right in front of him. Taehyung's eyes hadn't left the glowing red exit sign, but he felt the heat radiating off the younger's body. His throat tightened from the fear or the nearness of the other boy that he didn't know. "I-", he gulped, struggling to speak, "I can't". Taehyung's eyes finally moved to meet Jungkook's, which were staring straight at him. He was thankful for the darkness that hid the immediate rise of heat to his cheeks. The boy tried to speak again, but he couldn't. He words had stopped working, so he stood there in desperate silence.

Heat abruptly spread through Taehyung's clenched hand. Looking down, he watched as Jungkook slowly unwound the clenched fist, weaving his fingers in between Taehyung's. His eyes slowly moved back up to meet the older's, and before the tension could eat them up, he pulled him towards the door, and Taehyung allowed him too. His attention bent on the contact between their two hands, he didn't realize that they had left the building until the cold air bit at his ears and fingers. He drew close to the younger for warmth, once again missing the suppressed smile written on his face.

"You know... we aren't in any immediate dan-"

"Don't say that, you'll jinx it," Taehyung interrupted, glancing around at the dark alleys and streets. He felt Jungkook's shoulders shake with quiet laughter, and glancing up, he watched the boy's face glow with joy. His thoughts twisted towards the close proximity of the other. The heat radiating off their bodies, mixing in the cold air and enveloping him in warmth. He allowed a small smile to escape as he turned towards the darkness that waited in front of them.

"Come on," Jungkook pulled his hand, and they walked down the sidewalk. He led them through the mazes of walls until they escaped out in front of the small cafe that they all holed up in. "Pretty much all we do on these jobs is just check the barricades, locks, and see if there are any hordes near us. It's normally pretty quiet though, since this place wasn't hit too hard. I know Namjoon-hyung made it seem pretty bad, but most were able to run and escape. Plus, Yoongi-hyung is up there," the boy gestured towards the roof of the building, "He has the best position to see if anything huge is coming," he nudged the older a bit, "See, nothing to worry about."

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