Prologue part 3: Jungkook

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The last one before the story starts- don't forget to vote and comment~

Jungkook was shaking with excitement. It was a normal thing for him to hang around the Underground, but lately, ever since he had met his four friends, it had gotten much more exhilarating. He stood outside a random shop, waiting for his friends to arrive at the spot. They were all late, but he didn't mind, enjoying the chaotic atmosphere. He watched as artists took their spots on their stages and performed their hearts out, pouring everything they had into the music and dance moves they created. He loved the Underground. It always provided a getaway, a safe spot for him whenever he needed to escape from his family, which was often. It always succeeded in distracting the young boy.

Jungkook and his friends would go up on stage every once in a while, but he preferred staying in the crowds and observing. Jin and Namjoon never understood why he wanted to hide, saying that he was extremely talented and should try to put himself out there. How else was he going to get an Idol label to sign him?

"Kookie!" A cheerful voice rang out. Jungkook grinned as he watched his four friends come into view, led by the unspoken leader. Namjoon grinned at him, white hair darkened by the swirling clouds above the city. Yoongi gave him a small smile from beside the taller male, followed closely by Jin and Hoseok. Namjoon glanced up at the sky, lips tilting down slightly.

"It looks like it's going to rain soon," he muttered, almost talking to himself.

"Eh, that means fewer people, Hallelujah," Yoongi replied, chuckling when their leader rolled his eyes at his Hyung. The group grinned and began to make their way through the streets, stopping every once in a while to watch a particularly talented rapper, singer, or dancer. Jungkook enjoyed the company, immersed in the swirling music and beats that took place all up and down the streets. Jungkook heard a familiar voice float through the air and whirled around to find the source of the noise. He watched proudly as the singer performed, dancing to the beat as he sang, giving his whole being over to the music. "Hyungs, that's my friend, Jaehyun! We went to school together!" Jungkook whispered quietly, jumping up and down and clapping along with the crowd as the boy finished and left the stage.

"He's still not as good as you, Jungkook," Hoseok muttered, eyes narrowing at the younger boy, trying to press his point. Jungkook pursed his lips, rubbing the back of his neck as his friend's eyes turned to him. He shook his head, eyes downcast on the ground.

"Hobi is right, Kook-ah, you're amazing when you let loose. You have a future in the arts," Jin added, purple hair flopping in his face as he spoke. Jungkook felt his face heat up at the compliments, becoming flustered at all the praise.

He heard a small laugh from somewhere beside him, followed by Yoongi's voice.

"Let the kid be. He'll get it eventually." Jungkook smiled at Yoongi, thankful to his Hyung for understanding him. Yoongi knew better than anyone why Jungkook was so hesitant to get onstage, how afraid he was of what fame might do to him. The group moved on, passing several buskers and kiosks selling jewelry and art, venturing further and further into the narrowing crowd.

Jungkook frowned, not used to the unusually empty streets. Even if it was going to rain, the crowds usually stayed until the water fell. He was about to turn towards Namjoon and ask him about it when a piercing scream echoed from somewhere far ahead. It was so loud the performers and artists stopped their music, eyes turning towards the noise.

Jungkook's eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the distressed person, but found no one. The group immediately pushed forward, determined to help if possible. That was something Jungkook loved about them. They were always willing to help others in need, as cheesy as it sounded.

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