Chapter 27: The Chase

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.... I don't know why but this was so painful to write lol- it was so bad but like... eh, here we are. Hope you guys enjoy <3

[Edit: for those who had already read this chapter, I just edited it a bit more because... well just because so yeah~ thank you all for all the sweet comments they made my day <3]


The four boys were making their way out of the small building, their sights set on the back door. The light had faded since they had entered the cement halls, sending long, dark shadows scurrying across the floor and across the walls. As they went, suddenly they heard the front door bash open and loud footsteps sounded against the floorboards, growing louder and closer with every passing second. "Go faster!" Jimin whispered furiously, his eyes on the winding halls behind them. The boy had handed Jungkook over to Yoongi and Taehyung, deciding that it was better for himself to watch their backs since those two were stronger and Jimin had a bow.

"You try carrying a dead weight Jungkook," Taehyung snapped back although he picked up his pace a little more nonetheless, growing closer to their only escape route.

"I don't know whether or not to take that as a compliment or insult," Jungkook murmured, earning a small chuckle from the second youngest. The group continued to the back door, eventually reaching it before gently opening it, praying the hinges didn't make a noise. The first three were stepping through the threshold when suddenly Jimin gasped and pushed them forward, sending them tumbling out over each other into the light of the fading day.

"Hey!" A loud voice screamed behind them as they tried to scramble up off the trash covered ground. Jimin shot up and stumbled back towards the entrance, slamming the door closed before grabbing a random crowbar from the surrounding area and sliding it between the door handles, locking it from the outside. A loud bang was heard from the otherside of the entrance as soon as he secured the metal piece and Jimin didn't want to know what made the noise.

He twisted back to the other three, who were glaring at him as they picked up the youngest, their clothes covered in dirt and grime. "Don't just shove us, Chim!"

"Tae, he had a gun and he was the size of a fucking elephant" Jimin squeaked back, "I don't know about you, but I didn't want to get shot or run over, thanks!"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, let's go! Now!" The oldest of the four growled, dragging the others out of their small argument. They nodded and secured Jungkook before running out of the small alcove. They began to pick up their pace as they made their way through the streets, trying to find their way back to the general direction of their own base. Suddenly a loud crash was heard behind them and, when Jimin glanced back he groaned loudly, running his hand through his hair in distress.

"Shit," he murmured before sprinting up beside the struggling pair. "Hate to break it to you two, but we got some angry dementors on our tail so I recommend we HURRY UP!"

"Dementors?" Yoongi murmured, confusion lacing his voice as Taehyung began to run harder, pulling the older with him. Jimin gasped, clutching his heart before waving his finger at his boyfriend as he ran alongside them.

"I have never been so disappointed in you before. I swear to God, I am going to find a damned copy of those books or movies or something and show you if its the last thing-"

"Jimin!" Taehyung interrupted, "Less threatening and more running!"

"Right, right, sorry," the older muttured before dropping behind the trio once again. He glanced over his shoulder to see where the group was only to have his heart skip a few beats. The men were quickly gaining, their numbers becoming clearer to the archer as they neared. There were maybe five or six of them in total and they were fast and, even if they barely outnumbered the young survivors,  they could easily take them.

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