Chapter 21: Polaroid

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have a double update because I want to... and I love y'all <3<3


"What... What do you mean Taetae?" Hoseok muttered, stepping closer to the other boy and placing a hand on his shoulder. Taehyung had tears streaming down his face, his hand covering his mouth as he let out silent sobs, something he had mastered since this apocalypse began.

"They-" he choked out, "They went to Jimin and my s-school. They sat behind us in photography class-" he gasped, stumbling back as if hit in the chest by an unseen force. "W-we weren't ever c-close, b-but they were really sw-sweet. They didn't deserve this," he finished, his eyes never leaving the stumbling pair.

Hoseok glanced at the two zombies wearily before looking back to his friend. The creatures have gotten closer but they were moving at a pace where the older had yet to be too concerned. "Taehyungie, I'm sorry," he murmured, squeezing the younger's shoulder, "but we have to go. We don't want to be-" Hoseok was interrupted when a booming clang rang through the silent city.

The older jumped in surprise at the sudden noise before realizing what had just happened. "Shit!" Hoseok growled, grabbing Taehyung's hand and twisting around, taking off with the younger boy stumbling behind him. They were already on their way back to the base when the noise sounded so they weren't too far away, but there was a horde nearby and if-

"H-hoseok," a muffled noise came from inside his backpack, ripping through his thoughts. Hoseok ripped his bag around with one hand, shoving his hand in and wresting out the small, black walkie talkie. Zipping his bag back up in a rush he swung it back over his shoulder as Taehyung ripped his hand from the older's grasp, having recovered for the meantime. He grabbed the radio from Hoseok's hand and motioned for him to keep going, knowing that the older had to focus on the quickest way back they would be taking.

"Taehyung here," the boy spoke through the speaker. He waited for a response before static erupted through the device, signaling someone was about to speak. Hoseok twisted down a side street and Taehyung followed him, glancing behind them before returning his gaze to the front. He didn't know how close they were and he didn't know where that horde was. All he knew is that they had to get back or find cover as soon as possible.

"Did you two hear that?" Jungkook's worried voice rang through the speaker. Taehyung smiled a bit through his dried tears. For some reason hearing the younger's voice made him feel so much better.

"Yeah, we heard it," he said snapping back to the present.

"How close are you two?"

Hoseok glanced over his shoulder at the younger, "tell them about two minutes if we don't stop or have to change course."

Taehyung nodded and held the box up to his mouth, "Hyung says two minutes," he puffed.

"Okay, hurry up. We haven't seen too many zombies from up here so you might be able to make it-"

"Jungkookie," Taehyung interrupted, wiping his brow as beads of sweat began to roll down his skin, "A giant horde passed by us earlier. Maybe two or three hundred, I don't know. They are probably still close and they most likely heard it. If they did..." he let the rest of his sentence fall into silence, knowing those on the other end of the line would understand.

"Shit..." Jungkook's strangled voice murmured back. "You two have to find cover. Duck into a shop or something-"

"We can't," Hoseok called over his shoulder again and Taehyung made sure they could hear him. "Most of the buildings around here are locked and those that aren't are too far away. Returning to you guys is our best bet. We are going to come through the back so make sure it's opened!"

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