Chapter 3: The Underground

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Taehyung was shaken awake roughly by his best friend. "Time to go sleepy head. Don't forget, the zombies are more active at night, so we have to be careful."

"Did you sleep at all?"

Jimin responded with a tilt of his head and a small smile that ghosted his lips,"You know I wouldn't have been able to anyways."

Taehyung shook his head in defeat as he stood up, stretched, and grabbed his back pack. They slipped their masks up and crept through the streets, slowly making their way to the mysterious neighborhood.

At this point, Jimin had his sweatshirt off, rationalizing that the white color would be like a beacon in the dark. They were attempting to stay low and near the walls so that they wouldn't be spotted from the surrounding buildings and stores.

It was eerie. The utter desertion of one of the most popular sights in Seoul. Taehyung may not have been allowed to go there, but he knew what it was like, and this was not what it was meant to be. The streets were supposed to be filled with live music and shoppers. Salesmen and women were supposed to be yelling across the street about the best prices and their newest discounts. The lights were supposed to be bright and fluorescent, colors ranging all over the spectrum.

It wasn't supposed to be almost pitch black and quiet. Completely quiet. Taehyung shivered at the silence. It seemed to lay across the streets like a thick blanket that no sound could pierce. No sounds came from the empty streets. Not even the birds. He wondered if the disease also killed the animals, because they seemed to have disappeared across the city. The only sound that the boy could hear was the sound of their footsteps and the beating of his heart.

In fact, the longer they stayed, the louder his heart became. It rang through his ears and head, seeming to pulse throughout his whole body as the silence continued. The utter silence. And a bad feeling filled his stomach. In horror movies, if it's too quiet, something is about to go terribly wrong. And it just so happens that we are living in a horror movie.

Taehyung glanced around, sweat dripped down his neck and the hairs on his neck and arms rose tall. Jimin also seemed on edge, constantly looking behind and around them. Taehyung's earlier enthusiasm seemed to have dissipated into the silence. Sucked out of his soul. All he wanted now was to get out and leave the silent, empty neighborhood.

As they crept through the darkness, they only got more tense. At this point both of the boys were practically just waiting to be attacked. Waiting to feel the knife at their throat. Waiting for the bite of a blade or the blunt darkness that would follow a hit in the dark.

The beads of sweat that continued to form, accompanied by the complete silence only allowed his anticipation at the seemingly non existent danger to grow. He felt a sudden weight on his shoulder and he panicked.

Pivoting around, he slapped the thing away and simultaneously tugged his bat free from the backpacks embrace. When he realized what the thing was, his flush seemed to cover his whole body. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and allowed his bat to drop to his side. Taehyung then proceeded to glare at his flustered best friend whose hand was still slightly extended. Jimin gave an awkward smile and raked his hand through his hair nervously.

"Damn it, Jimin," Taehyung furiously whispered, "you gave me a fucking heart attack!"

His friend stood there gaping at him, trying to kick out any kind of response. Both of them were shaking, from fear or something else, neither thought it mattered. Taehyung tilted his head slightly, allowing Jimin to see his apologetic look. In return, the boy's mouth hinted at a smile, tips curling upwards slightly.

The previous tension was cut with the small burst of energy they both used. More at ease, Taehyung was about to turn to continue their lurking through the shadows when he felt the cool sting of something pressed against his throat. He froze, feeling the sharp edge dig into his skin and split it, allowing his blood to drip from the small cut.

He was facing Jimin, who was in the exact same situation. His eyes seemed to pop out of his head as he stood frozen. From what the boys could see, their assailants were masked and covered from head to toe in black. Their two other partners stood behind the group, as if acting as a final defense.

The assembly stood there, in the utter silence. Shit. I knew this would happen. Why did I let my guard down? Taehyung's thoughts enveloped him and he began to sink into the depths of his mind and blame and despair.

He was dragged out of his personal ocean when he heard what sounded like deafening shriek, followed by a heavy thud. He jerked his head up to see his best friend lying there in front of him, and above him stood his aggressor, Jimin's bat in hand. Suddenly, Taehyung felt his knees collapse and he hit the pavement. His vision darkened and all his senses dulled, and then nothing.
Hope you all had an amazing day!!!
Love Jhitachiin

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