Chapter 8: The Noise

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Taehyung watched as the door drew nearer and nearer, remaining shut tight. "Jungkook?"


"I hope you aren't emotionally attached to this knife."


Ignoring the question, Taehyung twisted and aimed the knife at the nearest zombie, and threw it straight at its head. It hit straight on, causing the monster to topple and fall. The others tripped and fell around the carcas, once again relieving a few more feet. He whipped the walkie talkie out and screamed into it.

"We are almost there, hold on!" Yoongi's breath was rugged from breathing so hard.

"Yeah, well, we are almost to the door and we don't have time!"

"Fuck... okay, just get there, and we'll do our job."

Taehyung nodded to himself and continued to run.

They reached the door and stood, waiting for an eternity, facing the oncoming crowd of monsters. They stood side to side, one with a walkie talkie, the other with a empty beer bottle he picked up beside the door. They watched as death approached, and they stepped closer to each other, finding a final comfort in the warmth they created. Taehyung's lungs were bursting in pain, his knees felt weak and he could barely hold the black box.

At the last possible second, the door slammed opened, and they two were being hauled in. They watched as the door was pulled firmly shut right when the crowd crashed into it. Taehyung gasped for air as he leaned back on the ground, sprawled across the concrete. Jungkook sat beside him, hands on his face, wheezing. After ages past, the pair turned to see Yoongi and Jimin sitting against the wall in shock.

"Dude, what the fuck took you so long?" Jungkook huffed.

"We were on the top floor, man. We had to come down, like, ten flights of stairs, run through the ground level, then reach down here. We didn't take that long," Yoongi responded.

"It felt like an eternity," Jungkook mumbled as he laid back down.

Jimin walked over to Taehyung and leaned over him, his face was tear stained and he seemed to be having trouble breathing. Taehyung watched his best friend wipe his cheeks and collapse next to him. "I thought-," he took deeper breath, "I thought we weren't going to make it." Those eight words made Taehyung's heart break a little. He watched as Jimin breathed deeply, and walked back over to sit next to the oldest in the room. Silence enveloped them as all of them tried to catch their breath. With the breath came utter exhaustion. The banging on the door grew quieter as time progressed, and eventually it ceased altogether.

Jungkook slowly stood, and reached down to help Taehyung up. He took the hand and stood up next to the younger. He handed the walkie talkie over to the boy, along with a small smile, remembering the time before the attack. "We'll be fine. Don't worry, you've got me," he mocked the younger's words, recieving a light punch from the target.

"How was I supposed to know there was going to be a horde for the first time in ages?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, gave one more smile in his direction, and walked up the stairs, Jimin eventually following behind him. They walked up the stairs and into their shared room. Sitting down on the mattresses, they sighed and glanced at each other.

"Dude, how did you survive that?"

Taehyung grinned, "It's what happens when you've played a shit ton of zombie video games."

Jimin chuckled as they climbed under their respected bed sheets and fell asleep, both dreaming about the night's events.
So that happened lol- how'd you like it?

-love Jhitachiin

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