Chapter 20: The Storm

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"Taehyung, Hobi hyung... stay safe out there." The group had gathered at the back door of their base to send the two boys off on their journey. The two nodded and did a last-minute check of their supplies before heading out. Both had a backpack filled with some food and water just in case they get stuck and necessities such as first aid kits, flashlights, and one walkie talkie for contacting the other five at the base. They also had their choice of weapons, Tae a pair of long knives, and Hoseok a machete that was strapped across his back. They decided to pick ones that wouldn't be too heavy and easy to carry around since they needed to be mobile so Tae decided to leave his crossbow behind for bigger expeditions.

Taehyung studied the rest of the boys' faces, trying to gauge how worried they were. Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi seemed only a little bit tense. The obvious reason being that Taehyung and Hoseok were leaving the building, the threat of a random horde or loud noise sounding at any moment slightly terrifying. But the two were smart and strong, not to mention they were barely leaving the block their little haven rested on so odds are they would be completely fine. Jimin and Jungkook, on the other hand, looked as if they were about to collapse and pass out with worry.

"Taehyung hyung, Hoseok hyung, please come back safe!" Jungkook rambled, playing with the cuff of his sweatshirt. "You two need to watch each other's backs and be careful of your surroundings. Don't make loud noises and for god sakes, make sure you know how to get back. Call us if you need anything and please don't-"

"Jungkook," Taehyung interrupted gently, moving to stand in front of the younger, grabbing his fidgeting hands. Jungkook's eyes were on the floor and his head was lowered, not meeting Taehyung's gaze so the older squatted down a bit, moving his head to face the maknae's lowered one. "Kookie~" he cooed, watching satisfied as a small smile appeared on the younger's face and a quiet giggle escaped his lips. "Kookie, we'll be fine. We are just going on a small patrol, don't worry. When I come back we can have cuddles!" Taehyung cheered happily, a boxed smile taking over his features.

Jungkook chuckled at that, finally raising his head and nodded, his hair bouncing happily. Taehyung grinned and threw his arms around the younger's shoulders and pulled him into a hug. "Wait for me," he whispered before pulling away and moving back towards Hoseok.

While Taehyung went to talk to the youngest in the room, Jimin approached Hoseok and pulled him into a quick hug. "Stay safe, Hobi Hyung," Jimin whispered, smiling. "Watch Taehyung, he can be a bull in a china shop, if you know what I mean." Hoseok chuckled and nodded, ruffling the younger's hair before Jimin walked away, moving straight into Yoongi's arms before turning his back to him and leaning into the older's chest.

Once Taehyung rejoined Hoseok at the door, the two gave one more glance at the group before turning to open the door. "Taehyung," Jimin called after his best friend, the younger pausing to look back at him. "You two watch over each other, okay? I'll see you tonight," he said, his eyebrows furrowed and lips drawn into a straight line. Tae grinned and nodded before returning his gaze to the metal door, giving one last look to the group before shoving it opened.

He and Hoseok took off through the thin alley, twisting and turning until they got to the main street. The days were still a bit chilly, the last pieces of spring slipping through their fingers and the winds bent around the pair of boys, tossing their hair and nipping at their clothes as it passed. The clouds up in the sky danced across the sun, leaving a dull glow resting on their surroundings, light shadows swirling across the ground and surrounding buildings. Taehyung turned to the older boy in a silent question and Hoseok smiled before leading the way towards the left. They kept their eyes peeled as they passed the first few shops, staying close to the walls and trying to keep in the shadows, looking for anything that moved or could be considered a threat. However, the streets were eerily empty, not one walking dead in sight, and not one bird's song swirled through the breeze.

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