Q & A pt 2

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How much do you love Jungkook?

How much do I love Jungkook? Honestly I can't even express it in words... I love him so much and would do anything for him- he has my whole heart💖

What is you biggest fear?

Uuum.... wow. In the current world I love in, it would probably be being left alone. I couldn't imagine trying to survive this whole thing without anyone by my side. But if we go back before the apocalypse... I was deathly afraid of caterpillars.... so there's that (don't tell Jimin he will torture me).

What do you like about Jungkook?

EVERYTHING UWU... okay but more specifically I love his smile and his laugh- they are so musical. He's also hot and adorable af but that's besides the point. What I really love about him is his personality. He's always so loving and kind and caring that it hurts my soul. I love how he's always looking out for me and wanting to take care of me even though I'm older- he just... makes me really happy and i want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Who is your favorite person in the group (besides kookie)?

Jimin of course! My best friend, soulmate, and partner in crime~ gotta love the dude even though he can be a pain in the ass and scary as fuck...

Did you get married to Jungkook?

In the far future? Well I hope I do!! I can't see myself with anyone else besides him!

(In the second epilogue, yes they do go off and get married haha)

What happened to you guys?

Well... I don't really like talking about it for obvious reasons. But a really, really big horse passed through the house and we were just kinda chilling... I guess the rest is imaginable though some of us survived! I guess you can't avoid them for forever haha...

.... this is why I like the second epilogue better because IN THERE- we survive I get married to my beautiful husband and we adopt five random kids that just... showed up ya know?


Will you adopt me?

Uuuh... I'll have to talk to Taetae about it but honestly, why not?

When did you start having feelings for Tae?

Hmmm... honestly I'd say that night I took him out to go on watch with me. I was interested in him before that, obviously, but I just... I loved the way he acted and took care of the situation and treated me so I began to feel a lot towards him!

Who is the top between you two?

Don't tell Tae I told you this but it's me ;)... okay it's normally me but there are times when Tae will top tehe~

Are you a switch?

Eeeeh sometimes- depends lol

How are you so cute?

Tehe that's a good question~

What's the best moment in your life?

....uuuuh. Probably when Tae came in and told me all his feelings. It didn't only make me feel extremely normal and like a normal teenager, but I loved him so it was amazing getting to hear that he get the same way!

Tell me everything you love about Taehyung!

...everything would take me ages lol but I'll give you an overview tehe-

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