Chapter 5: The Exchanging of Tales

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The group now sat in the same room waiting to hear each other's stories. The others watched as Taehyung and Jimin were handed their bags. Taehyung mentally ticked off the supplies they had originally as he went through the pockets of the backpack. Nodding, he zipped it up and placed it on the floor. His attention then turned towards Jimin, who was rifling through his bag looking for something. After a few frantic moments, he yelled in triumph as he pulled out a small object.

The Walkman was still in perfect condition after everything they went through. Jimin's dad used to make cassettes so Jimin always had a fascination with it. Taehyung remembered when his friend got that for his birthday. He cherished it... his prized possession. Taehyung was sometimes envious. Jealous that Jimin's family cared for and loved him. Jealous that his dad was there for his best friend. He watched as the boy slipped the headphones around his neck and slid the Walkman into his pocket.

Satisfied and slightly confused for the other three in the room, they all turned their attention to the matter at hand: Storytime. Namjoon gestured for Taehyung and Jimin to go first and to explain how exactly they survived the last month. Taehyung glanced at his best friend again, not wanting him to go through the pain of remembering his family's death again. When Jimin turned to Taehyung and made eye contact, he nodded, and he knew that his friend was okay. Taehyung turned back to the elder and started from the beginning.

He began with Jimin's escape from his home and about how he met Taehyung at his apartment, where they packed, panicked, and stocked up. He described their pharmacy and grocery store raids and how they searched for a place to lay low in for a few weeks. He explained their near death experiences, what they saw, and how they handled it being just the two of them. They made due with what they had and what they went through. All their thoughts all bent to two things. One, protect each other. Family first, and Jimin and Taehyung were family. Two, survive. They wanted to live long enough to be able to enjoy it again. To enjoy the world and not be terrified of every dark corner and every dark alleyway.

After Taehyung finished, he glanced across at the three faces of the new companions. He was shocked at what he saw. Feelings of pity and awe were painted across them. "What?"

When Taehyung spoke the three jumped out of their stupor and looked back. "It's just..." the one Namjoon addressed as Jungkook spoke up, "you two went through so much. Only the two of you. Alone. We can barely make it with five, let alone two. How the hell are you both still alive?"

Taehyung grinned at the boy as he talked, watching his small quirks. He watched as he fiddled with his fingers. He watched as his hair fell into his eyes and he swished it aside. Beautiful. Wait... He quickly looked away as he felt his face heat up slightly. "Um yeah... don't really know either but here we are." Taehyung struggled to get out his slightly late response, glaring when Jimin chuckled beside him. "Anyways, your turn Hyung. How did you make it?"

"Wait," Jimin interrupted and he rose an eyebrow at the audience, "you said five people. I only see three. Where and who are the other two?"

Namjoon smiled, "Let me start from the beginning. So as you two know, I basically lived on this block when I wasn't at school or at home. I spent my day walking around these streets, listening to the music. I've known these two and the others that you haven't met yet for a few months, and we'd usually meet up on this street to walk around. That- that day wasn't any different. We met up and started walking through the streets. They were more empty than usual, but it was supposed to rain later so that wasn't a surprise. We heard screaming from ahead of us. So much screaming. It rang through the streets and surrounded us with the echos. When we got closer we watched as people sprinted towards us and these... these monsters came out of no where. They were attacking the people, eating them, so we ran also. But the monsters were fast and there were so many. We watched as groups ran into stores, covered the windows, locked and barricade the doors. We did the same, and we came here. Ever since we started going out and gathering food,water, and other useful stuff. They're more active at night, but that doesn't mean that they don't come out during the day, so we are still careful. But yeah, that's really it."

The group sat in silence, processing each story. One group wondering how the other was alive and the other thinking how lucky that one was. Just then, they heard the crash of a door closing, then panting. Namjoon called out to the noise, "In here!"

Taehyung turned towards the door and watched as two people walked in. They were arguing about something, their clothes stuck to their skin, drenched in sweat and backpacks were slung over their shoulders. "That was not my fault! The can was just there!"

"My ass, Hyung. You have eyes for a reason! Watch your feet! We almost died!"

The two wove their hands in the air, exasperation written across their faces. They walked into the room, still bickering, neither realizing the two new boys in the chairs. The one in the lead, who Taehyung guessed was the oldest, turned towards Namjoon. "Joonie, we were able to get some medicine and water, but the food was a bit scarce-"

"Actually Hyung, it wasn't scarce. Jin just decided to trip over a metal can, slip, and crash into a shelf. Which caused every zombie in a mile radius to come running."

"Sheesh, you make it seem so terrible Hoseok."

"That's because it is you blind grandmother!"

"Grandmother?! I may not have seen the can, but I sure as hell am not a grandmother you little-"

Eye contact. Silence. Both boys made eye contact with Jimin and Taehyung. The one who was staring at Taehyung was tall. He had purple hair and had an attractive face. His skin was also tan from constant hours in the sun, and his eyes were kind. He sent off mom vibes for some reason, and Taehyung loved it. The one staring at Jimin was shorter and had tan skin. His orange hair framed his thin face, which told stories of laughter and smiles. His eyes gave off warmth. Taehyung would've liked both of them immediately... if they weren't staring at them.

The silence started to become unbearable and Taehyung squirmed under their gazes. He was about to speak when the purple hair man spoke up, "Joonie, dear... why are there two boys sitting in our meeting room?"
Heya! How are you all doing? I'm always here for you if you need anything <3
~Love jhitachiin

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