Chapter 17: Time to Decide

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Have some fluff ; )

btw I have no idea why this chapter was hard for me to write... it just w a s, but here we are lol- enjoy!


"That's bullshit, Yoon-"

A loud moan filled the air, interrupting previous conversations. Jimin's eyes widened as he shot his head towards the open door and the stairs beyond it. Everyone froze and the room grew uncomfortably quiet until Hoseok burst out laughing, falling out of his chair and collapsing to the ground.

"You know," he choked out, "I'd always assumed they would get together, but fucking with the door open is not the smartest decision." He curled his legs up to his chest as he gasped for air, shoulders shaking. Jimin arched his eyebrows, head twisting towards Hoseok then back to the stairs, the rest of the group grinning and nodding in agreement.

"I literally checked on them five minutes ago," Jimin murmured, rolling his eyes at his hyungs' immaturity.

It was Yoongi's turn to chuckle, capturing the attention of the youngest in the room. "You never know with those two. Bursting with hormones and young love," he mocked. Jimin rolled his eyes at the male and shifted in his seat, waiting for the suspicious pair to appear and save him from the awkward situation they had put him in. "I mean with a moan like that, Taehyung must be good," he grinned, the famous gummy smile on full display, "Makes me wonder if you're-"

"OK!" Jimin interrupted, shooting up from his chair, face glowing red. "I'm g-going to go get them," he stuttered out, quickly shuffling out of the room and making his way to the stairs. Yoongi's deep-chested laugh cut through his embarrassment and Jimin's stomach flipped, sending butterflies up through his gut. God, that sound was the most beautiful sound in the world, and Jimin knew nothing could ever replicate it or match it in its beauty.

Finally stopping at the base of the staircase, Jimin was about to call up to the pair to hurry up when Taehyung stumbled around the corner, sprinting down the stairs and yanking Jimin in front of him, using the older as a human shield. Jimin was about to ask what the hell he was doing when Jungkook twisted around the corner, a predatory look in his eyes as he slowly made his way down the stairs towards them. He cracked his fingers and neck as he descended the steps, eyes trained on the boy hiding behind Jimin.

"Tae," Jimin murmured, "what did you do?"

"He wouldn't get up," Taehyung whispered back, hesitating, "So I jumped on him."

"You jumped on him?"

"Yup," he muttered back, popping the 'p'.

Jimin sighed, moving his hand to rest on the bridge of his nose and turned back to the descending boy. "Jungkook, can you please pause from killing my best friend so that we can get this stupid meeting over with?" Jimin asked, still exhausted from their flight earlier that day.

Jungkook's eyes drifted from the cowering Taehyung to his Hyung. "Why should I?" he huffed, crossing his arms and pouting slightly.

"Because I want to get this meeting over with. Also, I was put in quite an awkward situation due to a certain loud noise one of you emitted." Jungkook blushed lightly, slowly registering what he was referencing and further understanding what the others could have assumed.

"To be fair," the youngest began, "It was Taetae's fault."

Deciding to ignore the new nickname, for now, Jimin nodded, a small smirk playing at his lips. "Oh, trust me, I know. You have my word; I won't stop you next time."

Jungkook chuckled and studied the older, registering the bags under his eyes and his slightly messy hair. He nodded, grinning, "Sure, Hyung," he responded, smiling his bunny smile before shooting a warning glance to Taehyung as if to say "to be continued."

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