Chapter 14: Taehyung's Advice*

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Hey Guys! Don't forget to comment and vote (If it's good or you like it or to just give some advice because I'm still a newbie)- Sorry for the terrible publishing schedule... I'll try to be better!!!! Thank you <3


Jungkook was curled over the toilet, gripping it so hard that his fingers were turning white. Tears poured from his bloodshot eyes and sobs racked his body as he attempted to empty his stomach into the bowl. Jungkook's hair was drenched with sweat, pointing in every direction and displaying his forehead.

Taehyung winced at the sight, slowly walking into the stall to get closer to the hurting boy. He was almost to him when the stall door slammed behind him, making him wince and freeze at the loud sound. Jungkook whipped his head around to look at the intruder and when his eyes landed on Taehyung, he turned back to the toilet.

"L- lea- leave me al- alone."

Taehyung didn't leave. He walked further into the stall, sinking to the floor behind Jungkook, staring at his back. "No," he muttered, slowly placing his hand on the younger's spine, moving his hand in small, soothing circles. Eventually, Jungkook detached himself from the toilet and turned towards the other, collapsing into his lap. His face was a dark red and his eyes and cheeks were swollen from the constant sobs. The boy's hair was a mess, and pointing in every single direction. Taehyung's eyes moved down to Jungkook's arms, widening at the sight. His arms were littered with scratches and red marks, trailing from his shoulders to his wrists. He watched as the boy moved his hand to his opposing arm, digging his nails into the skin, and raking them down his arm.

Taehyung moved quickly, grabbing Jungkook's hands and pulling them apart. When the boy tried to rip his hands-free of Taehyung's grasp, the older gripped harder, clasping the other's hands in his. He pushed down the blush that threatened to rise to his cheeks and squeezed the boy's hands. He moved his eyes up to meet Jungkook's red ones, "Stop," Taehyung whispered, voice cracking with unspoken emotion.

Jungkook slowly stopped fidgeting, slumping against Taehyung's chest. "It- it's all my f-fault hyung. I'm... I'm the reason Jin h-hyung got injured. He could... could've become... one of them be- because of me."

Taehyung quietly listened to the younger as he rambled on, blaming himself for the incident. "I'm such.... such an idiot. You... you said not to touch the g- gun. I was so sure that I could control it and use it. The last resort. But I was a fucking idiot. It's all my f- fault. we would all be back at home now. I almost k.... Killed all of us... God, I... I..." When Jungkook seemed to have run out of things to say, Taehyung released one of the boy's hands, using his free one to gently raise the youngers chin.

He waited silently until Jungkook moved his eyes to meet his. "Jungkook. It is not your fault," Taehyung watched as the younger already started to shake his head, more tears escaping from his eyes. "Listen to me for a second," Jungkook stared up at Taehyung, slowly allowing him to continue. "Jin Hyung chose to dive in front of the monster. He chose to sacrifice himself for Namjoon Hyung. Plus, he is still fighting back in the nurse's office. He's alive Jungkook. Alive. Don't give up on him yet."

Jungkook's eyes never left Taehyung's face, as if trying to soak in every word that left the older boy's mouth. His eyes filled with tears again, "Tae Hyung... I set off the gun. The zombies were there because of that gun. Don't lie to me. I'm not an idiot.""Jungkook I'm not lying-"

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