Prologue part 2: Jimin

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(I know Tae is the main character but I figured that I should write a chapter for each boy or for most of them so that y'all had a rough idea of how it started and what happened)

Jimin smiled at the dark clouds swirling around the city, relishing the biting wind and embracing cold. He plodded towards his lecture hall, mentally preparing himself for the boring class that he would have to sit through. Jimin studied dance and the arts, but he still had to take classes that had nothing to do with his major. He found them dull, but thankfully it was his last class for the day. After, Jimin would be able to go home to his family for the weekend.

Most college kids live in the dorms, but Jimin lived with his family near the school, saving them some much-needed money. Most college kids would protest this encroachment on their freedom, but Jimin didn't mind- he loved his family, and they were all close. If he did need to get away, he could crash at Taehyung's place, since he didn't have a roommate.

The boy made his way through the lecture hall, settling near the back of the room and dragging his notebook out, plopping it on the desk in front of him. Jimin lovingly pulled out a small device and placed it in his lap. He rested the head phones around his neck and placed one over his ear and let the other rest on his neck. He moved the walkman to his desk, pressing the play button and watched the cassette spin in its case. The boy smiled as he listened to the mix of his favorite songs dance through his ears, allowing it to drown out the babbling professor in the front of the class.

Suddenly, Jimin felt a buzzing in his side pocket. He fished out his phone, answering it after seeing Taehyung's name flash across the screen, "Tae? What do you want, I'm in cla-"

"Jimin, get the fuck out of there right now!" His friend's voice cut him off, filled with urgency and panic.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" he asked, panic slowly rising in his chest.

"Park Jimin. Check the news and get out of there. Go home and pack- leave with your family. Get out of Seoul!" Tae's voice shook, as he spoke. Jimin felt his heartbeat quicken, scared of what could have upset Tae, who was normally calm and collected. Scared of what could've upset Taehyung so much that he was telling his best friend to leave the city. Scared of what could have made Tae's voice shake like that.

"Okay, okay- let me check, hold on," Jimin muttered as he exited the phone app, replacing it with a news feed. He watched as it updated and the weather report was replaced by the end of the world. He watched as several reports flashed across his screen, each with a caption with the words "Zombie Apocalypse" or "Outbreak In Seoul". Jimin clicked on a random channel and gasped at the pictures and videos that greeted his eyes. Jimin felt sick, his stomach rolling This was impossible-there was no way any of this was happening, not in real life. His stomach heaved as his eyes landed on an extremely gruesome video of a random man being mauled by a monster, its teeth and nails digging into the man's skin and raking him apart. He could only stiffer out "What- what the hell..."

"Jimin," Tae said, his voice cracking, "please go," Jimin nodded to himself and began to pack up, only pausing to gently place his walkman back into its case, before slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

"I'm going Tae-I'm going to call my family, thank you for warning me. I'll see you later," he said, determination filling his voice. Jimin furrowed his brows as he nodded to himself. He would see his friend again. Taehyung hung up as Jimin walked to the front of the classroom. His professor's face filled with annoyance as the man pursed his lips, trying to understand why one of his silent students was in a sudden frenzy. Jimin paused on his way out the door, just long enough to turn to the class and say, "Check the news and run." He waited and watched as the students pulled out their phones, watched as confusion and fear spread across their faces before he turned and sprinted out of the room.

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