Chapter 28: Confession

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Here's a chapter I actually felt inspired to write and is actually decent because I've been gone for so long and you all deserve it<3


The boy's finally made it back to the base around noon. They ate a small breakfast before they left and held a tiny celebration for when they figured out Jungkook could move again.

"Guys my legs work!" The youngest cheered happily when he woke them all up.

"Oh, thank Namjoon," Yoongi groaned, turning over on his other side to try and fall back asleep. "I think I would have rather gone back to the cult then carry you another step."

"Hyung!" Jungkook whined, flopping down on top of him and Jimin, consequently waking the younger up. Jimin opened his eyes before slowly moving his gaze to meet Jungkook's terrified one.

"Kookie, you better have a good reason for waking me up," he murmured, slinging his arm over his eyes to block out the light that streamed in from the broken and boarded up windows.

The youngest laughed nervously, slowly climbing off his friend's body. "My legs work?" he muttered hesitantly, forming it into more of a question than a statement. Jimin laid there in silence for a second before nodding to himself and standing up, stretching out his sore limbs from the day before and sleeping on the uncomfortable floor.

"Alright that's fair," he said groggily before moving to Yoongi. He wrapped his arms under the older's arms and dragged the tired boy to his feet. The older tried to collapse back to the floor only to fall into his boyfriend's chest. "Yoongi, baby, please wake up we need to get a move on," the younger whispered, smiling down at the blonde.

"I'm up, I'm up," the boy murmured, waving his hands in front of his face before standing on his own two feet.

Jungkook moved over towards Taehyung who had curled into a small ball since the younger left his arms. "Taetae," he called gently, shaking the older carefully. "Get up! I can move now and we have to get home!"

Tae slowly opened his eyes, yawning before twisting to look at the happy boy. "Look at you, all beautiful and shit," he murmured, still half-asleep. Jungkook flushed and stumbled back, only to fall into Yoongi's legs and send the older tottering down on top of him.

"What the fuck, Jungkook," the boy groaned, slowly getting back to his feet to be met with a giggling Jimin.

"Sorry hyung," Jungkook whispered, his cheeks still flaring red. He approached Taehyung again and sat down in front of him. He carded his hand through the faded blue hair, tucking it behind the boy's ear gently before repeating the process. "Wake up, Tae," he whispered again, smiling down at the sleepy boy. Tae just groaned before he slowly sat up, catching Jungkook's retreating hand in his own and intertwining their fingers, sending another blush across Jungkook's features.

"Come on, Kookie let's get some food and get out of this shit-hole," he murmured, standing to his feet and dragging the younger after him.


When the four boys walked through the front entrance of their home they were immediately tackled by three exhausted-looking hyungs.

"Where the fuck were you guys!" Jin screeched, whacking all of them over the head with his hand. "Gave me a fucking heart attack."

"Gah!" They all yelled, waving the oldest hand away. "Sorry hyung, we hit with a few obstacles," Jimin murmured, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hi hyung!" Jungkook yelled excitedly, running towards Jin and tackling him in a hug before moving to Namjoon and Hoseok, giving them the same enthusiastic embrace.

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