Chapter 25: Needles

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aAahaahhHhHhh I'm so sorry I haven't published in a whileeee...


Jungkook opened his eyes only to be blinded by glaring lights, their brilliance bleeding across his vision and forcing him to shut his eyelids tightly. Where was he? What happened?

His eyes moved under their lids as he tried to remember how the hell he got into his current situation. The last thing he remembered was Taehyung taking him outside after his parents and then-

Jungkook gasped, shooting up out of his flat position only to be pulled harshly back down. He slowly began to come to his senses as he glanced around, trying to avoid the bright lights. He was strapped to a table, leather cuffs on his wrists and ankles, small chains connecting them to the table, giving him a bit, but very little, room for movement. The room was whitewashed, it's bright walls only increasing Jungkook's struggle to see, but scratches and scuffs on the white paint told Jungkook this room hadn't avoided the effects of the apocalypse either.

His mind still spun a bit from whatever they used to knock him out. Was he hit? Did they use that cloth thingy from the movies? He doesn't remember, his only recollection of being grabbed being flashes of black and Taehyung and Jimin's terrified expressions, the younger of the two rushing after him before his vision went black. Were they looking for him? Was Taehyung okay?

All the boy wanted was to see the older. The beautiful blue-haired boy that made his heart warm and glow whenever he heard his voice or his laugh. The boy that seemed so childish and yet was one of the most mature people Jungkook had ever met. The boy that was there for him and somehow knew how to comfort him after knowing the younger for only a few days. The boy that made his heart beat faster the closer he got and the boy that captivated his thoughts all night and all day. He wanted to see Taehyung again. He needed to.

I'm not dying here. He refused to. He had too much to say and too much to do to die now after making it for so long. He would not die in this apocalypse and if he would he would die by the hands of the undead, not the living.

Suddenly, quiet footsteps approached Jungkook's secluded room, warning the boy of a new presence. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to relax his muscles, stretching his legs out before trying to sink into the blank slate he laid upon. He had seen the movies and figured it was probably best to act asleep than be awake and bring his demise quicker. He listened as the steel door in the corner of the room slowly slid open, it's metal screeching against the floor. Heavy footfalls approached his table and stopped right next to him and Jungkook could feel the person's breath against his skin as they leaned towards him. He tried not to flinch away as a hand slid down his hair and cupped his face before trailing down his neck and to his arms. What kinda fucking shit is this?

"I know you're awake," a husky voice whispered by his ear.

Jungkook reacted the only way he knew how he screamed. His eyes shot open and he tried to sit up before being pulled back down by his chains. He frowned, glancing down at his body before moving his gaze over the man in the black cloak. "Where the hell am I? What the fuck do you want from me?" He spat, trying desperately to move his legs only to sigh in defeat when his cuffs and chains didn't loosen or budge. He glowered at the man, baring his teeth when he tried to approach the younger. He took a step back and chuckled before calling towards the door.

Jungkook frowned, his eyebrows narrowed. He couldn't recognize that language. It sounded like a broken Korean mixed with Chinese, Japanese, a weird English, and was that Thai? The man spoke towards the door for a while before it slid open again and two more people flooded into the room followed by another figure pushing a simple cart in front of them. They all discussed among themselves and Jungkook strained his ears to try to understand what the hell they were saying. He caught a few Korean words and English words mixed among the sentences but who knew if they were what he knew them to be. "Perfect", "Sacrifice", and "leader", were the only things he recognized before he gave up and collapsed back onto his table. He stared at the white ceiling above him as his thoughts tumbled over the words.

"Yah!" He yelled, trying to get their attention. "Let me go! I swear to god I will kill you if you ever let me out of these damned shackles. Hell, my friends will destroy you! Let me out!" none of the men moved, some of them only glancing over at him before shaking their heads and returning to their conversation.

He groaned and shook his head, fantastic, I've been captured by a cult, he thought before he was interrupted by the same guy coming back over to him. He never removed his hood so Jungkook had no idea what this guy looked like. His friends rolled the metal cart over beside the man and Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw the several metal tubes, liquids, and shots on the shelves. He began to struggle against the chains, panic taking over his system when they began to pick up the different needles. He yelled and screamed, his throat scratchy from not being used for a while. He felt his lungs scream in pain as he bellowed, trying desperately to stop these unknown liquids from being infused in his body. He wasn't dumb, he knew whatever the hell was in those tubes wasn't a flu shot.

"Please, no," he whispered, his throat now tired from all his yelling. He continued to wriggle around, refusing to sit still, as the men stood there and stared at him, not moving. Eventually, they all approached him at the same time, quickly surrounding the table and holding him down.

"No, no, no," he begged, shaking his head viciously. Hands grasped his legs and arms, squeezing tightly enough for him to gasp in pain. He froze as he felt several points of pain as these people slid the needles into his skin and letting the liquid move into his system. He tried to move when they were pulled out but his limbs wouldn't listen to him. No, no, no. He couldn't budge and his arms and legs felt like lead, refusing to cooperate with his orders.

"Move damn it," he whispered, staring at his arms as he tried to wriggle his fingers. The people above him radiated a smug aura as they slowly returned back to the cart and filled back out of the room without another word.

Jungkook was left in silence, the only sound being his labored breathing as he tried to regain control of his body. He slowly gave up and once again settled back down on the metal table. He shook his head and stared up at the white ceiling, his thoughts swirling. He sighed again and shut his eyes, lifting his head and banging it lightly back onto the table.

How the hell was I captured by a fucking cult in the middle of an apocalypse?


okay... hi, one, I hope everyone is well


three: once again, apologies for being so long, after my brother's wedding we helped them move into an apartment then. I crammed a month's worth of a class into one week and then I went on "vacation"... siGh... anywhoooo I am back lol

Also, should I do a q&a?

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