Chapter : 07

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"Unrequited love is the hardest of them all, hoping for something that might never just happen."

Misha's pov:

I was overwhelmed with happiness. Though I was unable to see his face, I could definitely say that he looked handsome the same way as he looked before, or it might have turned into looking more handsome now. They moved forward until I was not able to see them anymore. Man, this nervousness. How will I deal with it?

I can't even believe all this. I remembered our college days when I was so crazy about him, doing the stupid things. That time I never once imagined things to turn out the way they are now. Life is so unpredictable.

I went inside the room and fixed my look. I waited, waited, and waited, but still, there was no one here to call me downstairs. How much time do I have to wait now? I texted Siddhi, asking where she is, but there was no reply from her. Unable to control my excitement, I ended up calling her.

"Where are you?" I asked the moment she received it.

"Open the door, idiot. I'm standing outside your room." She replied, and I quickly opened the door.

"The level of excitement, girl. You have seriously gone mad." She said and sat down on the bed.

"Let's go." I said before she could lay down. It's her habit, the moment she sits on the bed, the next thing you will see is that she is laying already.

"After five minutes." She said and laid down finally.

"Siddhi, please." I pleaded.

"Chill, girl. We will go but at least wait for two minutes. And don't worry. He still looks the same, in fact, more handsome now." She replied.

I decided to wait, and once I saw that two minutes are over, I dragged her out of the bed.

"Let's go." I said.

"Wait a second." What now? She looked at me as if scanning.

"No, not necessary. You look perfect. Let's go." She said, and together we made our way out of my room.

"How is he looking?" She asked while we were on stairs.

"I didn't see him, girl; my eyes are down, and please stop making me blush." I replied, but she seemed to ignore it.

"Then look at him. Why are you acting like a typical old-fashioned girl?" She snapped. Stop it, girl. We went in front of them, and mom came and introduced us. We greeted each other, and I finally saw Varun. He didn't say anything nor lifted his head. I looked at Janvi and smiled.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi, you look very pretty today." She complimented.

"Thank you." I said and got settled next to her. Frankly speaking I wished to play with Isha and that was the sole reason, why I sat there. I looked at her and realized that she was already looking at me with wide eyes. Lovely. She raised her hands in front of me indicating me to lift her. Man, I love her so much. I immediately lifted her and made her sit on my lap.

"Wow. So quick." Varun's Mom said looking at us.

I was playing with Isha while listening to all the family talks. They talked about our professions, Varun's marriage with Tanvi and how she passed away. My eyes shifted to Varun and saw him getting uncomfortable. I signalled mom to change the topic and she did the same.

"I liked Misha very much but in the end it will be the decision of them. So I guess they should talk about it." Varun's dad said. Thank you uncle.

"Yeah of course." My dad said and told me to take him to the garden. Varun was the first one to get up. Janvi took care of Isha whereas I went away with Varun. On the way, I saw Siddhi and Kriti smiling at me but I ignored it.

My heart was beating at a unusual rate and so loud. I was getting nervous again and on the other hand, there was no reaction on Varun's side. I guess, I have to start the conversation but how?

"Hi." I initiated.

"Hi." He looked at me and then again looked sideways.

Man, start the damn conversation, I'm too scared.

I waited but when there was no sign that he is going to say something, I started again.

"How's life going?" I asked and felt extremely stupid of myself. Out of all the things in the world, why did I asked this?

"Good." He replied. He is definitely not going to ask me anything. I looked sideways thinking what to ask next.

"Sorry for your loss. She was a great soul." I said and in return he just nodded.

"How old is Isha?" I asked another not so relevant question.

"One year, four months." He replied again not looking at me. I swear if there was someone else in his place, I would have smacked his head but because, he is Varun, it's alright.

I will have to make him talk. What should I ask now? Yeah, I know it...

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"No." He replied, this time looking at me. Also, there was something different, a kind of hope, an expectation in his eyes.

"Do you?" He asked; he finally asked. Thank god, I thought that I'm the one who will go on talking here. Well, I definitely have so much to ask, and I guess this is the right time.

"Yes." I replied, he focused his attention on me. Don't look at me like that, man; I'm already nervous being this close to you. I can't even believe that we both just talked and if you keep looking at me, I won't be able to utter a word. I smiled at myself and then asked the question which I thought was the most important for both of us.

"Don't take me wrong, but are you seriously ready for this marriage?" I asked, hoping, hoping, and hoping to hear a positive response from him.

"I guess this is the time." He said and turned towards me. I swear the moment he turned, I felt something bad is coming and then it actually happened,

"I'm sorry, but I ain't ready. In fact, I don't want to get married."

His words hit me like a sudden storm, leaving me speechless for a moment. All the anticipation, the nerves, everything came crashing down. I tried to maintain my composure and asked,

"Why? Is it something about me or..."

"No, it's not about you, Misha. It's about me. I'm not ready for this commitment. I can't move on from the past," Varun explained, his gaze fixed somewhere in the distance.

I struggled to hide my disappointment and managed to say. He kept explaining something however I was too lost to say anything. I just kept looking at him while the tears ran down my eyes.

"It's okay. If you're not ready, you're not ready. I appreciate your honesty." Inside, my heart sank, realizing that the hope I had nurtured was shattered.

We walked back in silence, each lost in our thoughts. The atmosphere had changed, and it felt heavier than before. As we rejoined the family, I tried to mask my feelings, focusing on Isha and the conversation around us.

However, deep down, I couldn't shake off the disappointment. I continued playing with Isha, trying to distract myself, but the weight of Varun's decision lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the day.

The meeting that held so much promise had taken an unexpected turn, leaving me to grapple with mixed emotions and the uncertainty of what the future might hold.

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