Chapter : 36

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Misha's POV:

I have never been so bored in my entire life then what I felt at this moment. As Dadi is still home I don't feel like leaving my room, everyone I see her, I remember what she did and I get angry so I have been avoiding her since yesterday. I don't know why she still has the same old typical mentality however I know it is not right and I can't forgive her.

I was just blankly looking out of the window when I heard a knock on my door. I turned and saw Janvi peeking inside. She was smiling the smile, which she always has whenever she wants something. ok, let's see what is it this time? I signalled her to continue.

"Chocolate shake. I'm craving, please?"

"Alright. I will go and make it for you." I said and went out with her. She asked if I need her help, so I just told her to accompany me in the kitchen, she is very good at dodging Dadi's questions, so at least she can help me with it.

"Did you planned about Isha's birthday?" Janvi asked.

"Not yet. First I will have to talk with your brother and I guess I should do that today, there are very few days left now."

"Ok. Take one glass for him as well." She said pointing towards my just made chocolate shake.

"I will but I doubt if he will drink it." I said and took another glass.

As I went towards his room, I felt a little nervous. I don't want him to get angry, I will just talk and leave soon, I said to myself and knocked the door.l before entering in.

"Hi, Where is Isha?" I asked and felt so stupid of myself because she was peacefully sleeping on the bed and that was very well visible to me. He gestured towards the bed, so I quickly went and sat beside her.

"No more fever." I said touching her forehead.

"Yes, She is fine now." He replied.

"Janvi told to give you this." I said and passed the tray towards him, hoping that he will take the glass.

"Did she made this?" He asked. what should I reply now? If I say, I made it, will he drink it? I don't know.

"Yes." I lied and he immediately took the glass in his hands. does he hates me so much that he can't eat or drink something I made?

"Varun, We haven't discussed about Isha's birthday, are you free now?"

"I was going to ask you the same, we should discuss it, there are very few days left." He replied.

"I'm free. We can talk now." I said as he started telling me everything that Tanvi wished to do except for one thing. I even asked him, if he was forgetting something however he said that there isn't anything. Why is he not telling? Did he forgot or is he not comfortable to do that now?

"Are you sure, that's it? Anything more?" I asked because the thing which Janvi told me, I wanted to do the same. It was Tanvi's wish to hang a large photo frame of them three, the same photo which is above Varun's bed, in the living room, where everyone can see it.

"Yes Misha. That's it and even if I missed out something, I know you will handle it plus, if I remember anything, I will let you know." he replied making me nod.

"Take this." He said handling his credit card to me. arrogant, my man, I know you are very rich, but I ain't so poor that I can't celebrate my daughter's birthday, I don't want money from you. However telling this to him was of no use, so I took the card and decided to give it back to him after the birthday.

ok, now it's my time to leave though I wish to spend some more time here, I will have to leave. wait, I got a idea.

"Varun." I said and turned towards him.

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