IX - Fight

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As I was walking back to the table, I ran into Jimin. He had our stuff in his arms and he was sobbing. 

Once he saw me, he dropped everything and ran up to me to hug me. 

I though he just broke out of his space out and panicked since I wasn't there so I just hugged him back with a small smile. 

"J-Jungkookie...t-they were mean to me.." he sniffled into my shirt.

As soon as I heard that, my inner radars turned on. 

"Who? Show me okay?" I stroked his hair and followed him, of course I picked up our things on the way. 

When Jimin took me to the table I left him at, there were four guys laughing and seemingly just having fun. Jimin can sometimes misunderstand situations other people find normal and he gets intimidated just by strangers being polite so I wasn't going to them angry. I wanted to apologize for taking their place and such. 

"Oh little bitch went to tell on us." one of the guys laughed. That's when I understood Jimin wasn't wrong this time, in fact they were far worse than just mean. 

"Did you come bitch about this table too? And then run away crying?" another one chuckled. 

"I'm sorry. We are new here and I had no idea this place was taken. I'm Jungkook and my friend Jimin has soc-" I started explaining myself when one of the guys, he had mint colored hair, got up and approached me. 

Yeah he was hilariously smaller but somehow still intimidating. 

"You shut your mouth and take your crying ass twink away so we can eat here." he growled. 

He pissed me off by calling Jimin names. I would accept if they called him retarder or autistic, people can mistake that for his social anxiety but this was just meant to hurt. 

I was visibly upset and he probably expected me to attack but as I didn't since Jimin was behind me, he decided to punch me first. 

As soon as I stumbled backwards, I heard Jimin crying louder as he was scared. 

"I-I don't wanna fight. I just hoped you would respect disabled people." I cleared my throat and turned to Jimin to take him somewhere safer. 

"J-J-Jungkookie...y-you're bleeding.." Jimin sniffled as he saw me. 

"Shit.." I muttered and quickly covered my nose. 

"I'm scared.." he mumbled sobbing his heart out.

"Don't cry. It's okay. If someone was to hit you, I will stop them I promise." I smiled a bit and grabbed his hand. I pulled him back to the bathroom to clean up my now bloody nose. 

We got there and I wanted to get a tissue but Jimin started choking as he didn't breathe properly and I will have to say he was in danger of a panic attack. 

I picked him up and sat him on the edge of the sink. 

"Shh, it's okay. I'm not hurt." I smiled and rubbed his arm a bit. 

"I-I-I'm sorry. Y-y-you get into b-bad situations b-b-because of being f-f-friends with me." he cried. 

"Jimin. I don't ever want to hear you say that. I do not get into trouble because of you. And if you're hinting that we should stop being friends then I disagree." I put on a stricter tone than my usual soft one I use with him. 

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