XXXIII - Coming out

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When my parents arrived, I called Jimin and he returned. 

As the parents started putting food on their plates, I glanced at Jimin and rubbed his knee under the table. 

He gave me a sad look, something like puppy eyes. He was trying to get a message across and the message was to not tell them. 

"It'll be fine." I whispered. 

Soon after that we started eating. 

"I..I had a question." I spoke up. 

"Yeah?" my mom looked up at me along with everyone else including Jimin. 

"We learned about this at school and stuff. Like gay kids getting beaten up by their parents. I was curious what would you do?" I asked looking at my and then Jimin's parents. 

"I and your dad don't support gays but hitting your own kid is wrong no matter what. It would take some getting used to but no violence to go with it." mom shrugged a bit and looked at dad. He just nodded. 

"If it was up to us, we'd respect it. We won't be able to agree with it right away but our kids will always be our beloved kids and in Jimin's case we'd also consider his condition." Jimin's mom smiled. 

"Why do you ask us though?" mom raised her eyebrows. 

" and Jimin have something to tell you.." I bit my lower lip and looked at Jimin. 

Now, being in front of them, I was getting shaky myself. 

"We have been dating for a few months now. A-and we moved in because of being a couple..not best friends. Although we are still each other's best friend." I started explaining. 

"What?" my dad kinda looked up with anger. 

"That's not all- don't get mad yet. I-I proposed to him and we wanna get married." I finished. 

It was followed by a long uncomfortable silence. 

" and Jimin..are both gay, and you're dating..a-and you're gonna get married?" Jimin's mom asked. 

"Correct." I nodded and glanced at Jimin. He was looking down with tears in his eyes. 

After me everyone looked at Jimin.

"Guys..look, I think we all need time to get used to this information the end we probably all want you to be happy together." Jimin's mom spoke up. 

"Yeah, I didn't imagine my son to be gay but..if you are that way and you're happy, I will make myself get over it." dad sighed letting his anger fade. 

"Be the way you feel it and let us step away and process it." Jimin's dad reached over and rubbed Jimin's back. 

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