XXVII - Night club

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I don't even know how but all of the sudden Jimin making sure I look my best before Yoongi and Hoseok come pick me up from our hotel room and take me to the club. 

"And don't kiss anyone.." he muttered. 

"No worries. My heart and lips are all dedicated just to you." I smiled and pecked his lips. 

"And come back safe...a-and don't touch anyone or let anyone touch you." he whispered. 

"Do you want me to go or not?" I sighed. 

"I do..I just don't want you to cheat.." he muttered. 

"Don't worry, I will be back before midnight to cuddle you to sleep okay? Just stay awake till then." I cupped his face and kissed him. 

Soon after that Yoongi and Hoseok brought Tae back to our room and took me out. 

I promised Jimin I will stay faithful and so on. 


We arrived to the bar, Yoongi immediately took us to a booth and sat us down ordering beer for us. We were old enough to drink a little bit. 

"Well, how is it so far?" he asked and looked at me. 

"I miss Jimin.." I whispered. 

"C'mon." Hoseok poked my arm. 

"Try to focus on something else. Do you recognize any of our classmates?" Yoongi asked motioning towards the dance floor. 

"Not really." I shook my head. 

"Do you talk to anyone but Jimin at school?" he asked once again. 

"Up till now I didn't. I made friends with Taehyung and started talking to you two." I shrugged. 

"Do you dance?" Hoseok asked. 

"I used to. But stopped like a year after I met Jimin." I mumbled. 

"Well then do you have any hobbies you kept doing after you met Jimin?" Yoongi leaned against the table. 

"I continued playing piano since Jimin was learning so I taught him a bit. And I did do some gymnastics with him. But more on the athletic side rather than the elegant one." I chuckled a bit at the nice memories. 

"Anything else?" Hobi asked again. 

"I..well I draw. I did design many coloring pages for Jimin when I couldn't find the right animal or the exact thing he wanted and we looked like all over the internet. So we sat down and I designed something for him. He doesn't like drawing all that much but boy he loves coloring." I laughed a bit. 

"Have you ever been to a club before?" Yoongi asked as we got our beer. 

"Once. Jimin had a doctor's appointment and had forbidden to have someone tag along. Back then I had one last friend who didn't dump me because of Jimin, he took me out and we got a little drunk. He had an older friend who worked there so he snuck alcohol into coke and water bottles for us." I explained. 

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