XVII - Taehyung

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Taehyung was running late. We were waiting for him only. 

The teachers let us know he is doing his best to come as soon as possible and begged us for patience. 

So when he finally arrived, few students started cheering as we could finally leave. Taehyung laughed off embarrassment and apologized as he made his way to the back. 

In fact Taehyung is really talkative and nice. I don't get why people push him away and don't like him because he seems to have that superpower of making friends with anyone. 

"Hey. You're Jungkook?" he asked as he approached me and Jimin. 

"Correct." I nodded. 

"Sorry I was late." he chuckled and made his way past my legs and sank into the seat to my right. 

"It's okay. Stuff happens and we are just humans." I kept talking to him. 

Jimin was listening to music so he had headphones on meaning I was free to speak with Taehyung and possibly make friends. 

"Yeah.." he nodded and looked down. 

"Is something wrong? A-am I too intimidating?" I asked noticing nervousness. With Jimin I learned to sense fear of people and when someone isn't comfortable. 

"No..you're quite nice actually..but as I walked down the bus aisle, I saw Yoongi and Hoseok. They are coming on the trip with us." he pouted and looked at me. 

"Oh. I-I had no idea they were." I was shocked. 

The last thing I need is to see Yoongi daily. Hoseok is pretty harmless as he just spits out insults now and then and I could help Jimin deal with that but Yoongi wasn't afraid to get physical too. 

He seems like the kind of guy who would beat up anyone for their color or nationality.

"You know them right?" Tae asked. 

"Yeah..Yoongi punched me as a welcome on day one." I smiled. 

"But if we stick together, he will kinda let it go. He went to my middle school and without all three of his friends he is more careful about who he plays with. And Hoseok isn't the one to join a fight, ever." he kinda chuckled. 

"Well, in any case, I hope we will get along really well." I nodded. 

"Yeah.." he nodded a bit. 


Jimin was listening to music and taking a nap while me and Tae talked. We got a little closer and we asked about each other's life. I got to know how people like Tae live their life without having a best friend with social phobia and I got to tell him how I get through life with Jimin by my side on daily. 

Hearing how much freedom he had having multiple friends who aren't as clingy as Jimin made me kinda sad, I knew I wasn't gonna leave Jimin, I was sad Jimin didn't have that. 

But at the same time I saw how nice it is to have someone depending on you who always wants your attention, cuddles and kisses. 

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