XXIX - Nightmares

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Both of us dozed off pretty quickly feeling each other's warm bodies against ours. We forgot Jimin's sleeping pill. 

When he faked taking it with Tae, he took just hid medication and after I came, he didn't take his pill. 

He still dozed off into dreamland but since he didn't have his sleeping pill, he woke up in the middle of the night.

I was sleeping calmly when I felt Jimin moving around in my arms. I heard him sniffle and even call my name. 

"Jimin?" my eyes snapped open. 

"I-I-I forgot my pill." he sobbed. 

Whenever he doesn't have his pill, he wakes up to terrible nightmares. They have always terrified him. 

"Shh..it's okay. You're fine. We are in Daegu in a hotel. We will head back to Seoul in the morning." we both sat up and I reached over for his glass of water and his sleeping pill. 

Sometimes he gets lost between reality and his nightmares so when he does have any, it's better to clarify what is reality. 

"Here." I gave him his pill.

But he hesitated. He didn't take it right away. 

"What's wrong?" I patted his shoulder. 

"I just...wanna cuddle." he wiped his tears. 

"We can, and then we will cuddle in the bus on our way home. C'mon. Take your pill so you don't get scared anymore okay?" I stroked his hair with a smile. 

That convinced him. He took his pill and we curled up on the bed.


In the morning me and Tae woke up early. 

Since Jimin took his pill late at night, it still affected him. Me and Tae started packing the last things so I prepared Jimin's clothes for the day and stuff. 

We had one hour until we should be in front of the hotel when Yoongi came to our room. 

"Hey. I came to make sure you guys were okay and up preparing to leave. Don't want to make Jimin panic if you were to be late or overslept." he smiled a bit walking in.

"Oh we're fine. Jimin is just sleeping as he took his pill late." I explained. I told Taehyung about Jimin's little trick from last night when we packed so he knew already. 

"Alright- also Jungkook you left last night. You could have told me or Hoseok at least." he frowned a bit.

"Sorry." I kinda shrugged. 

"I looked for you and was worried. But then I found someone who saw you leave by yourself and head to the hotel. They saw you because they had to get some fresh air." he sighed. 

"Really? Sorry I made you worried." I produced a nervous laugh. When I first met him, I never thought we will get to a point when he would worry for me so much. 

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