XXV - Apology

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"Thanks...but..w-why are you even here?" I looked at him in confusion. 

"We were told you and Jimin had to stay in the hospital and...well Hobi told me to man up and come see you. Taehyung stopped by and told us you feel terrible about what happened to Jimin and him and Hobi thought you'd feel better if I came to you and apologized for the situation that occurred on your first day." Yoongi explained. 

"I let that go long ago." I mumbled as we started walking down the hall. 

"You didn't. If you did, you wouldn't get so stiff whenever I walked by you and Jimin. You were scared I will hurt him. Right?" he asked. 

"...yeah..." I nodded. 

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt him more than he already is. I really came to just talk." he smiled a little. 

"I see." I was hesitant. I can't just suddenly trust him because he helped me get my coffee.

"I'm not telling you to be best friends with me now. But please just know I will make sure none of my friends bully you and Jimin anymore." he sighed and started to head away. 

"Hold on..do you not wanna see Jimin? I mean he most likely won't appreciate it but when I left he was still asleep." I stopped. 

"Can I? I thought you wouldn't let me." he looked back at me. 

"Yeah. As long as Jimin doesn't get signs of a panic attack you can come see him." I nodded with a smile. 

"Okay then." he smiled and followed me. 


We stood by Jimin's bed waiting for him to wake up. In the mean time I got to tell Yoongi why Jimin needs a caretaker and why I offered to be his caretaker. 

We weren't exactly getting along and there were long awkward pauses in our already dry conversation but we weren't arguing or stuff. 

Once Jimin did start waking up, I grabbed his hand and smiled a bit. 

"Morning." I whispered and placed a kiss on his nose. 

That made him chuckle. But that smile fated as soon as he saw Yoongi. 

"A-am I dreaming?" he looked at me for confirmation.

"No, Yoongi came to see you." I glanced at Yoongi and then back at Jimin. 

"Why?" he frowned. 

"He is sorry. C'mon, hear him out." I smiled a bit. 

"I don't want to. I don't feel well." Jimin shook his head. 

"No worries, I will go now. Hoseok is waiting for me in a near by cafe anyways. Get well soon Jimin. It would be really hard on both you and Jungkook if you had to stay here and we had to return to Seoul." Yoongi smiled a bit and grabbed his coat. 

Once he was out of the door, I looked at Jimin again. 

"Was that the same Yoongi that almost broke your nose?" Jimin asked really quietly. 

"Yeah. We talked a bit. Taehyung and Hoseok made him come say sorry. He was told what happened and how I blamed myself. Hoseok thought it would make me feel better." I explained. 

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