XXX - New home

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We returned from our trip and few days later me and Jimin could move in together. I was super happy about getting a permission from his parents. 

Today was the day I was gonna show him our new place. And I had a surprise for him. 

"Well, this is it." I said unlocking the door to our new apartment. It was big enough for four people so we would have a lot of space. 

It was a really nice place overall. 

"Wait." he grabbed my hand as I started opening the door.

"Something's wrong?" I asked concerned. 

"No I just want a kiss. If everything goes right, we will live here forever together, I want to start it off with a kiss." he smiled. 

"Oh I see." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him into a deep passionate kiss. 

"Okay. Now we can go." he smiled once we pulled away. 

I showed him every single room. Except our bedroom, I kept that for last as I planned. 

He loved the place, he looked around a lot and complimented the furniture and it's placement. 

"And last. We have our love nest." I stood in front of our bedroom door.

"Sounds cool and romantic." he chuckled.

I took him in.

There was a king sized bed with a big white teddy bear on it, the teddy had flowers in it's hands.

"Aw, that's so sweet." Jimin awed glancing at me. 

"Go read the note." I pointed to the pink piece of paper tugged into the flowers. 

He walked up to the teddy and took the paper. As he opened it and read it out loud, I got on one knee in front of him, holding a little box with a ring behind the piece of paper. 

"Since I've known you, I became your sanity to fight your anxiety. And now it's time for you to make up for it. So, will you be my husband to cure my lack of your love?" he read and then looked at me. 

I wanted to propose to him in private to not provoke his anxiety as it's emotional enough already. 

And as soon as he saw me on my knee, he started tearing up. 

"A-are you okay?" I asked grabbing his hand. 

He just nodded and covered his mouth as tears poured out of his eyes. 

"Then..Jimin..will you marry me?" I asked looking at him. 

"Yeah!" he nodded now crying. 

"Come here.." I got up and pulled him into my arms. 

"My cute fiance." I rubbed his back. 

"B-b-but how a-are we gonna t-tell your a-and my parents?" he asked through happy tears. 

"I thought about inviting both your and mine over to eat lunch or dinner with us and tell them. Of course only once you are comfortable speaking about it and all that." I reassured him. 

"S-sounds real good." he smiled wiping his tears again. 

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