part 1

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The librarian keeps telling me to read Twilight. She says that I can't judge it without actually reading it. She's nice, enough, and when I ask her if she would order in a book she'll always do so. So I'd feel rude laughing in her face, so instead, I nod my head and say I'll think about it. Then walk out when she's not looking.
I don't need to read it to realise that it's a wet, soppy love story that isn't gripping, relatable relationship that had to try and overcome obstacles put in its way by the fact he's a vampire.
Instead of plot, of any sort, it focuses on the sex appeal.
'Look. He's hot. She's hot'
You just read the blurbs and think why, why is this a book that defined my generation?
"What are you reading?" A teacher asked, leaning over me. They were probably thinking why was I here, sat in the corner of the field instead of in the library. Lost in thought really, my mind only really half in my book, the other half wandering about my thoughts.
I didn't recognise her, probably some sort of substitute. Maybe a teaching assistant. I don't know. But they are interrupting, I am sat here, in the corner of the field where the trees bend down to create a patch of dark, shadows and broken sticks. Surely she can see I don't want to be disturbed?
"Carrie" I lifted into my book. She looked interested, maybe she'd read it. I don't care though. I don't
Please go please go please go.
"And why aren't you reading it in the library? Surely you would be more comfortable there" she must've been referring to the field, it wasn't ideal but it was the best place in this entire school. I'd rather be at home, but then again so would anybody at this school.
"Too loud"
It was. The library was where everyone went to eat, talk, 'study', play on their phones while the teachers pretend they can't see. It's where everyone goes, especially when it's cold or wet. It wasn't today, the sun was shining for once. But still, the library was a place you go to do anything but read.
"Oh, alright then. Enjoy your book" she left after a minute, probably feeling awkward. That's fine, I did too.
So I dived back into it, forcing my entire mind into the pages, shutting off my mind from the distant shrieks and screams of the masses around me.
Until I felt something hit the side of my head, making me drop my book.
I turned, it was a football.
"What the hell?!" I shouted. I was in the very corner of the field, where the trampled bits of grass slope to meet the fence. Why would their football be anywhere near me?
"Sorry" I heard a voice say. I looked behind me and a girl was there. Black hair, very pale skin, gloves and thick black makeup.
She smiled at me and gestured for me to throw her ball back.
But I could see her friends over in the distance, laughing. Probably at me.
I'm used to it, though it doesn't mean I like it.
They probably did it on purpose, 'oh look at us. We hit the nerd in the back of her head while she was out of the way, minding her own business. We are so damn funny!'
'look at us, we've picked on the girl that everyone has picked on. Everyone got bored of beating her up, now it's our turn.'
'look at us, we're going to pick on the fat girl who reads'
So I flashed her the middle finger and chucked her ball over the fence. It landed in the teacher's car park. Meaning she could still get it, but it would be a pain.
Shame, I wanted it to land on the road.
She glared at me, returning the gesture and then ran to the gate to the car park.
And I smiled all through the next chapters.

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